Sunday, May 29, 2011

Use Your Invisible Power - Create Your Wonderful Life Even With an Illness - It is Your Choice!

What kind of life do you want? However, what if you were born with an illness, such as Cystic Fibrosis?

Charley was such an individual. Charley was born with cystic fibrosis. It is a degenerative disease of the muscles. Many people in previous years did not live beyond their teenage years. Without your properly functioning muscles eventually you are not able to breath. Charley was very fortunate. He had many care givers including a wife who sacrificed and helped him through college, and graduate school. Charley became a civil engineer and helped plan structures for streets and buildings for better disabled access. Charley used his mind. Charley in his 30's was wheel chair bound. He could only use one hand for movement of a joy stick and a mouth piece on a computer. His speech was labored, but you could understand him. With help he went to work every day. Charley could see, hear, use a few fingers and think. Charley made an important contribution to our city. He also made those around him more aware of and appreciate their physical surroundings. He made our city more accessible for all.

Invisible Set

In the story of "Jack and Jill vs the World" from the Spiritual Circle Cinema, 2009. Jill is a 25 year old who has just arrived in New York City. She is full of life. Yes, she is living with her cystic fibrosis disease, but she does not let it control her life. She creates her life and appreciates everything in her life. She is happy! She meets a young man, Jack, and changes his life forever. She creates an atmosphere of a very full happy life which is quite different from his boring, and sad one with no meaningful relationships. She, however, does not reveal her illness and her previous treatment visits to the hospital to Jack. She does not want him to feel sorry for her. She wants her "healthy" relationship to be the focus not her illness. One day she has to tell him of her illness. He gets angry, but after a while he finally realizes that it is their relationship that matters. He realizes that he loves her. They do not know what the future will hold for them. They make a decision to be with each other and live their lives as fully as possible. They decide to have a happy and joyous life.

Charley's story is true. Jack and Jill's story is made up. If you have an illness you have a choice. How do you want to live your life? Use your mind and see yourself enjoying life and all its wonders. Create your happy life.

Use Your Invisible Power - Create Your Wonderful Life Even With an Illness - It is Your Choice!

Continue on your journey and have a happy and joy-filled life.


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