Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Management - Erase Emotional Baggage And End Procrastination Forever

Do you know that procrastination is not something you do rather something that is "done to you"? Do you know that means that there is an invisible subconsciously stored program inside you that hijacks your mind and body when procrastination sets in and leaves you feeling helpless, ineffective and ironically bad about yourself? Do you know that program is rooted in old emotional baggage in the form of negative memories from earlier life that generate things like: the fear of failure, fears of being criticized, feelings of unworthiness and guilt, feelings of inadequacy, fears of success, fears of the envy of others, fears of being alienated by others and so on? Finally, do you know that it is now possible to permanently and completely erase those memories and reclaim full control over your mind and life thereby ending procrastination forever? So, how does one do that you ask?

Negative memories from the past behave much like a computer program that constricts and limits your self expression whenever it can. For instance a negative memory that serves as evidence for why you may believe yourself to be unworthy of success will create an "emotional force field" of fear that becomes activated inside you whenever you attempt to succeed at something.

Invisible Set

That field siphons off your Life Force Energy, the energy required to live and create, thereby weakening you, your resolve, your feelings of worthiness and your ability to take action. That leads to the inertial state many refer to as procrastination. So there are two fundamental things being said here.

1. That program has a "life of its own" and that life is supported by your Life Force Energy.
2. The inertial state you call procrastination is not something that you invoke rather it is invoked against you and is largely beyond your ability to control.

It is however now possible to take control back in a powerful, real and permanent way which entails erasing that program completely and forever. That effectively means erasing the negative memories themselves. As sceptical as some of you may be about this I can tell you that thousands of individuals who have experienced it can attest to its effectiveness.

When a negative memory feeding that negative force field is erased the field is permanently weakened and you become irreversibly more empowered and in control of your freewill. Procrastination not only starts to disappear one even forgets what it used to feel like.

So if you are one of those individuals crippled by procrastination and you would like to be free, empowered and successful kindly visit the web site below where you can request a free e-copy of my book and/or request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation that will begin to set you free.

Management - Erase Emotional Baggage And End Procrastination Forever

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author of Esteem For The Self: Restoring the Divine Holographic Energy Field With The Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation and a Free E-copy of my new book are available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Email: drnick@telecoaching4u.com
Web Site: http://telecoaching4u.com


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