Thursday, May 26, 2011

Invisible Conversations

The life we create exists in conversations, several conversations actually, some spoken, some written down, many unspoken, some remembered, most forgotten, yet all put together over time. The best way to achieve our goals and learn and grow as individuals is to first understand who we are and how the conversations we have influence what we do. I refer to these conversations as our invisible conversations.

Our invisible conversations entail our inner dialogue of judgments, evaluations, worries, and insecurities that we are having while we are interacting with others and which can keep us from being present or prevent us from achieving our goals. These are so powerful they can drive us to success or failure. They can impact who we are in a way that can propel us forward, bring us back, or completely stop us. They can make us dwell about the past or worry about the future.

Invisible Set

Your story is the mosaic, or interconnected elements, of all the conversations occurring throughout your life. We often forget that we have a choice in how we write this story. Some people live their lives without ever realizing what they truly care and love most about this world. One of the main reasons for this is that sometimes we aren't very good at understanding who we are. While we may be really good at what we do, we sometimes don't have a clue about how to control our thoughts. We can focus so much of our energy and attention on outside events that we can neglect understanding our inner self.

This book is a guide to understanding and becoming aware of the conversations that you have about yourself and others that stand in the way of your success. Once we begin to understand why we have them and how we can change them, we can start being in control of our thoughts and not have our thoughts control us.

The book Invisible Conversatons is divided into 7 distinct areas or subjects, which independently and together provide insight into the overall mosaic of invisible conversations, Each subject includes a set of practices or exercises to help you work on mastering that area. The practices are simple and easy to follow but require regular repetition plus, most importantly, a willingness to open your mind and heart to understanding more about who you are.

I suggest you begin to pay attention to what your invisible conversations are, the one you think but don't say and see if they are forwarding or stopping you?

Remember, believe in yourself and you will accomplish your dreams!

Invisible Conversations

Please visit my blog at for more great information and ideas about this subject. I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your journey to great success. Thank you.


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