Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Activate! The Energy Of The Invisible

Our world is physical and it might be quite controversial to argue against that, but it has been proven over time that the things which really control the physical are often not seen. Things which are now visible mostly start out as invisible, therefore leading us to make an early submission here that the invisible does control the visible. There is an adage that says "if you can see with your mind,you can seize anything; you can create anything if only you can imagine it". The human mind basically has two parts which are the conscious and the subconscious. While the conscious mind is limited in its access to resources more because it works with what is obvious and tangible, the subconscious is almost unlimited in the wide range of resources it can access as it has a far reach into our past, experiences, fears and innovations. Metaphorically it can be said to have a 'license to roam'. It is therefore quite necessary to create an alignment between both of them for maximum potential benefit.

You need to be careful as to the kind of the thoughts allowed to cross your mind as they help shape your subconscious mind which means taking charge of your thoughts and emotions. This would be of immense benefit as a lot of things are just not tangible or physical and the list is almost endless. Mentioning a few would include energy, vision, faith, dreams, intuition, desires, goals, aspirations, the soul, God, demons, angels, cherubs, devil, uniqueness, originality etc. There is a certain amount of energy that drives the mind to do the work of processing which eventually initiates a realization of these things earlier started in the invisible. The mind is limitless, all you need do is to constantly activate the energy without putting a limit on it. Our minds can go way beyond our wildest dreams if only we can get it out of the box we have created for it.

Invisible Set

Success begins from the mind which invariably means that it starts out from the invisible. Now, being able to transpose the concept from the realm of thought to reality is a process I refer to as 'chasing after the invisible' and this does require two very important points namely strategy and structure. The process would always involve crafting a strategy which if properly executed would yield exact results. When this is constantly done, it all begins to come together in the form of a structure which becomes readily available to execute the strategy anytime the need arises. Wishes do not make success materialize, but there is some work involved. A clear understanding of this would in effect catalyse the process and push it in the right direction. The opposite of which can be quite disastrous, unless the subject picks up valuable lessons from the unpleasant turn of events.

Energy is rightly defined as the ability to do work, and the reference 'work' in this scenario is the part where the strategy goes through the crafting process. One must also remember that building is a process and that being the fundamental in establishing a structure. In very explicit terms, the mind is really the part of us that sees, in effect the eyes are merely reflectors. Therefore with the mind's eye, we must be able to clearly envisage the start to finish, anticipating the finished product in the process. All of that must take place before the burden of making it into reality unfolds, providing a capable blueprint clear enough not only to build from but to leverage off sufficiently. This is the part where belief comes in, as the saying goes "The right kind of belief produces the right kind of resolve which in turn produces the right kind of results". In this whole arrangement the belief amounts to the driving factor which in essence is the energy required to drive the whole process of achievement.

To activate the energy of the invisible with reference to achieving your individual goals in the end, you must learn to give your mind the freedom of expression without limit by harbouring the belief that any and everything is possible, if only I could just set my mind on it. This process repeated over time trains your mind environment in to a well structured machine of execution quite prepared for eventualities from constant practice. Since we might well be able to agree now that the bulk of what makes up the tangible is not readily seen by the eyes, it is only wise for one to realize that a win situation is down to a successful transposition, and everything necessary to have that should be put in place. This means we must be able to muster the right kind of belief which generates the necessary levels of energy that can effectively run the whole process. Conclusively, the million dollar word here is 'Activate'.

Activate! The Energy Of The Invisible

Motivational Thoughts and Insights, http://dakes83.blogspot.com is a blog born out the desire to bring about real inspiration, motivation and change by analyzing life issues and pulling out inferences as real lessons learned in real time.some may say they are lessons derived from the school of hard knocks but we choose to call it lessons worth your while taught in one of the best schools you could ever learn from. Life is a with all the motivation and inspiration available to make a resounding success of ourselves. It is best to maximize it now that foresight is the word. In hindsight we might be full of regrets.That's why we are doing our best to make sure you have very useful content and materials available for you to leverage off at any time. one thing that we can very much assure you is that YOU WILL BE INSPIRED!!

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