Monday, May 16, 2011

Game Set and Match Mr Triumph

It seems a breeze when you start out on something new, brimming with energy and excitement then all of a sudden your realise those little voices in your head are talking to you again and you start to lose your momentum.

Setting Goals is I believe, the easy part. It is an absolutely great feeling to spend some time dreaming about how you would like to live your life in the future, your dream house in your dream location, your glistening car parked in the drive, the income to be able to do things that you want and the time to spend as you please, ah yes that is the easy part.

Invisible Set

What tends to come in between the joy of goal setting and the euphoria of reaching them, apart from the action part, is the motivation to keep going whatever happens.

The fact is, even if you are an expert at applying the Law of Attraction to your life, there is an incubation period for everything. The experts will tell you that for the Cosmos to deliver your every wish is effortless, but there will be a time delay and no one knows how long it will be.

That is why Goal Setting should be in terms that have meaning to you, for example if you are just starting out in business this year then first year profits are unlikely to be in the six figure bracket, but if your goal is a six figure turnover, than that is being more realistic.

The other demon will be the invisible one, the little devil in your mind that will play a tennis match with your beliefs, so that one day you can conquer the world, do everything, stick to the diet, complete the exercise plan and still have energy to spare, then the very next day the little devil will suddenly start to plant all sorts of moments of disbelief in your mind, perhaps something goes wrong in the morning, you miss your train, you spill coffee on your shirt before a meeting and all of a sudden when you return home you just want to de-stress and vegging out because today has been so hard.

If you think about using that tennis match to your advantage, you will find it easier to control those moments of stress if you acknowledge that Mr Defeat is Playing a tennis match with Mr Triumph in your head all the time (at least for a while until the victor emerges.)

This will clarify for you when moments do not appear to be going your way, you can immediately think that you know Mr Defeat is 40-30 up and it is advantage Mr Defeat, even if you lose the game, always know that Mr Triumph will win the match. It might be a five set thriller, with a 14 to 12 games win in last set, but you must motivate yourself to keep going no matter what Mr Defeat does along the way.

With practise and with progress, he will win less and less games as the match unfolds, so focus on each small step of your plan, accept they will not all go your way all of the time and focus on the phrase Game, Set and Match Mr Triumph.

Game Set and Match Mr Triumph

Diane Cossie delights in all aspects of setting Goals, maintaining Motivation and inspiring Action with regular tips and advice on the Blog at

Reasoning that health, wealth & happiness should follow a disciplined approach to goals, motivation and action, she incorporates her view on being forty something and wealth building strategies in a diplomatic yet effective way.


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