Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Activate! The Energy Of The Invisible

Our world is physical and it might be quite controversial to argue against that, but it has been proven over time that the things which really control the physical are often not seen. Things which are now visible mostly start out as invisible, therefore leading us to make an early submission here that the invisible does control the visible. There is an adage that says "if you can see with your mind,you can seize anything; you can create anything if only you can imagine it". The human mind basically has two parts which are the conscious and the subconscious. While the conscious mind is limited in its access to resources more because it works with what is obvious and tangible, the subconscious is almost unlimited in the wide range of resources it can access as it has a far reach into our past, experiences, fears and innovations. Metaphorically it can be said to have a 'license to roam'. It is therefore quite necessary to create an alignment between both of them for maximum potential benefit.

You need to be careful as to the kind of the thoughts allowed to cross your mind as they help shape your subconscious mind which means taking charge of your thoughts and emotions. This would be of immense benefit as a lot of things are just not tangible or physical and the list is almost endless. Mentioning a few would include energy, vision, faith, dreams, intuition, desires, goals, aspirations, the soul, God, demons, angels, cherubs, devil, uniqueness, originality etc. There is a certain amount of energy that drives the mind to do the work of processing which eventually initiates a realization of these things earlier started in the invisible. The mind is limitless, all you need do is to constantly activate the energy without putting a limit on it. Our minds can go way beyond our wildest dreams if only we can get it out of the box we have created for it.

Invisible Set

Success begins from the mind which invariably means that it starts out from the invisible. Now, being able to transpose the concept from the realm of thought to reality is a process I refer to as 'chasing after the invisible' and this does require two very important points namely strategy and structure. The process would always involve crafting a strategy which if properly executed would yield exact results. When this is constantly done, it all begins to come together in the form of a structure which becomes readily available to execute the strategy anytime the need arises. Wishes do not make success materialize, but there is some work involved. A clear understanding of this would in effect catalyse the process and push it in the right direction. The opposite of which can be quite disastrous, unless the subject picks up valuable lessons from the unpleasant turn of events.

Energy is rightly defined as the ability to do work, and the reference 'work' in this scenario is the part where the strategy goes through the crafting process. One must also remember that building is a process and that being the fundamental in establishing a structure. In very explicit terms, the mind is really the part of us that sees, in effect the eyes are merely reflectors. Therefore with the mind's eye, we must be able to clearly envisage the start to finish, anticipating the finished product in the process. All of that must take place before the burden of making it into reality unfolds, providing a capable blueprint clear enough not only to build from but to leverage off sufficiently. This is the part where belief comes in, as the saying goes "The right kind of belief produces the right kind of resolve which in turn produces the right kind of results". In this whole arrangement the belief amounts to the driving factor which in essence is the energy required to drive the whole process of achievement.

To activate the energy of the invisible with reference to achieving your individual goals in the end, you must learn to give your mind the freedom of expression without limit by harbouring the belief that any and everything is possible, if only I could just set my mind on it. This process repeated over time trains your mind environment in to a well structured machine of execution quite prepared for eventualities from constant practice. Since we might well be able to agree now that the bulk of what makes up the tangible is not readily seen by the eyes, it is only wise for one to realize that a win situation is down to a successful transposition, and everything necessary to have that should be put in place. This means we must be able to muster the right kind of belief which generates the necessary levels of energy that can effectively run the whole process. Conclusively, the million dollar word here is 'Activate'.

Activate! The Energy Of The Invisible

Motivational Thoughts and Insights, http://dakes83.blogspot.com is a blog born out the desire to bring about real inspiration, motivation and change by analyzing life issues and pulling out inferences as real lessons learned in real time.some may say they are lessons derived from the school of hard knocks but we choose to call it lessons worth your while taught in one of the best schools you could ever learn from. Life is a with all the motivation and inspiration available to make a resounding success of ourselves. It is best to maximize it now that foresight is the word. In hindsight we might be full of regrets.That's why we are doing our best to make sure you have very useful content and materials available for you to leverage off at any time. one thing that we can very much assure you is that YOU WILL BE INSPIRED!!

Join me Akinola Odunukan on twitter and Facebook @DekynsIV, cheers.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Invisible Brace Age

Are you petrified of the fact that people would call you as "a mouth full of metal"? Does the thought of the pain caused due to metal wires distress you?

Don't Worry we have the right answer for you... Invisible Braces!! This is the new technique where your teeth are set straight without any anguish. Alignment issues like thronging, breaching etc. are easily tackled by incorporating a string of plain detachable aligners.

Invisible Set

Aligned teeth boosts your self confidence, peps your self esteem and most importantly it is mandatory for your overall health condition. A straight set of teeth aligned well and uniformly placed is possible to clean and maintain well. It also facilitates you to churn your food proficiently without stressing out the tissues of the jaw and the bones of your mouth. In a nutshell you would have good Oral health which in turn improves your Overall, it improves your oral health - which can help prevent problems with your Digestive System, eradicates your headaches and prevents you from acquiring heart diseases. The Invisible Braces are practically invisible and they go unobserved when you communicate in societal circumstances. Clear Braces grant you that enchanting smile by setting your teeth straight in secrecy.

Have you ever heard of Invisalign ®? Well Invisalign is an alternate name for invisible braces. With this technique you can align your teeth without the painful metallic braces. There are some more names with which Invisalign is referred to as:

* Adult Braces,
* clear braces or
* Adult Orthodontics

In the Invisalign technique you don't require metal brackets or wires to align your teeth instead a string of detachable aligners is made use of. Invisalign is confirmed capable in scientific study; the orthodontic field substantiates this study. As such 75% of the orthodontists in the United States are qualified to use the Invisalign® technique.

Invisalign ® works wonders..... All you need to do is use one set of the 2 sets of aligners or braces given to you for a fortnight, taking them out when you wish to gobble, sip, and floss and brush only. When you reinstate each aligner subsequently in sequence, your teeth will shift slightly each week till such time that they are leveled to the ultimate spot your Austin Invisalign Orthodontist has planned for.

It would be necessary for you to visit the Orthodontist once in 36 days to check on the progress of the treatment. The duration of the treatment is for about one and a half years on an average. Patients between the age group of 18 and 30 are the users of this treatment. The Invisalign technique has assisted multitudes of teenagers and adults acquire the ideal smile that beams on their face.

Invisalign Austin is a graceful Endeavor!

The Invisible Brace Age

Elite dentistry are a state-of-the-art dental office specializing in implant, restorative and cosmetic dentistry. We offer a full range of services including: crowns, bridges, veneers, complete and partial dentures, dental implants, and periodontal treatments.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Use Your Invisible Power - Create Your Wonderful Life Even With an Illness - It is Your Choice!

What kind of life do you want? However, what if you were born with an illness, such as Cystic Fibrosis?

Charley was such an individual. Charley was born with cystic fibrosis. It is a degenerative disease of the muscles. Many people in previous years did not live beyond their teenage years. Without your properly functioning muscles eventually you are not able to breath. Charley was very fortunate. He had many care givers including a wife who sacrificed and helped him through college, and graduate school. Charley became a civil engineer and helped plan structures for streets and buildings for better disabled access. Charley used his mind. Charley in his 30's was wheel chair bound. He could only use one hand for movement of a joy stick and a mouth piece on a computer. His speech was labored, but you could understand him. With help he went to work every day. Charley could see, hear, use a few fingers and think. Charley made an important contribution to our city. He also made those around him more aware of and appreciate their physical surroundings. He made our city more accessible for all.

Invisible Set

In the story of "Jack and Jill vs the World" from the Spiritual Circle Cinema, 2009. Jill is a 25 year old who has just arrived in New York City. She is full of life. Yes, she is living with her cystic fibrosis disease, but she does not let it control her life. She creates her life and appreciates everything in her life. She is happy! She meets a young man, Jack, and changes his life forever. She creates an atmosphere of a very full happy life which is quite different from his boring, and sad one with no meaningful relationships. She, however, does not reveal her illness and her previous treatment visits to the hospital to Jack. She does not want him to feel sorry for her. She wants her "healthy" relationship to be the focus not her illness. One day she has to tell him of her illness. He gets angry, but after a while he finally realizes that it is their relationship that matters. He realizes that he loves her. They do not know what the future will hold for them. They make a decision to be with each other and live their lives as fully as possible. They decide to have a happy and joyous life.

Charley's story is true. Jack and Jill's story is made up. If you have an illness you have a choice. How do you want to live your life? Use your mind and see yourself enjoying life and all its wonders. Create your happy life.

Use Your Invisible Power - Create Your Wonderful Life Even With an Illness - It is Your Choice!

Continue on your journey and have a happy and joy-filled life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Google Places - How to Set Your Listing Up and the Critical Category Choice(s)

Most small local business owners who try and do their own listings on Google Places fall into the category of a lawyer who handles his own case. He has a fool for a client. It is rare that I see a new client who has listed themselves on Google Places at all. They may be listed but haven't claimed their listing, leaving it open for others to change it. Or they may have claimed it, but not come close to optimizing the listing.

If you choose to go it alone, this decision may be the most important of all as you do your Google Places Listing. What is your category or your categories.

Invisible Set

Google makes it clear that you are well served to choose one of their categories for the FIRST of the five that you may list. If Google Maps is important to getting your phone to ring, this may be the most critical decision you make. Deciding the main category that your potential customer or client will use to find you is the starting point of this decision.

The first step in this process is to type in possible keywords in the space provided for the first category. As you type the word insurance, for instance, Google Places will automatically provide you with suggestions: Insurance Agency, Insurance Attorney, etc. If none of these suit your best idea of how folks will search for you, change the word. For instance, if you sell health insurance, start over and type in health. Now Google will give you choices like Health Consultant, Health Food Store, etc. Here you find the one you want, Health Insurance Agency.

After you have selected your first category from the Google Places offerings, you are now free to select up to four more categories, and you can make these up. Is it a good idea to make up categories or use 100% Google Places categories? That depends:

A. Can find five categories from Google's choices that are appropriate for your business? Then go with those. This is probably the best plan. If you can only find one or two that work for you, then you may want to get creative.

B. The next best categories would be ones that Google already recognizes, but which they have not bothered to put into their listing prompts. In the previous example, there is no prompt for Health Insurance, but if you search for health insurance Oakland, you are going to find a Places Map with listings. So this may be a good choice.

C. You might get lucky with a good category that Google Places is not yet recognizing. You have five categories, so if you have a special niche, why not use one category for an experiment. Children's Health Insurance does not currently seem to be a category that Google Places recognizes. But Senior Health Insurance comes up. If you do get lucky with a brand new category, you might end up with a stand alone listing on the outside MAP. That is golden.

Use all five categories if you can. There doesn't seem to be any penalty for that. You can decide the order that they are listed. No idea if the order you choose effects how Google Places chooses to give you better or worse placement on the map listings other than the first one. Knowing how Google typically does things, they usually assume that what you say is most important is what they should consider to be most important. Therefore if Children's Health Insurance is the 5th category you put up, and they have 10 other's with that category chosen in your city, but they all have it listed 2nd, you are, in my opinion, unlikely to be in the 7-pack.

Google Places - How to Set Your Listing Up and the Critical Category Choice(s)

Randy Kirk is the president of internet marketing company, Page1Listings. Almost without exception, the company's clients are finding that the phone rings when they are on the outside MAP of Google Places and the phone doesn't ring as much when they are invisible to Google Places. Sure, page 1 ranking in the organic is still a big plus, but this monster tool is effecting business, and will likely effect yours. If you want to be totally optimized on Google Places, and you have the ability to do so in a DIY fashion, go to http://www.GooglePlacesHelp.blogspot.com and the details are all there for the asking. Or turn to a pro to do it for you.

Among other services offered by the company, YouTube video production has proven to provide a very high return on investment for both clients and the company.

Kirk is the authors of several business books including Warner Business Books 4.6 star "Running A 21st Century Small Business." The book is available on Amazon.com.

http://www.Page1Listings.com specializes in helping very small companies (1-50 employees) with marketing both on and off the internet.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Complete Sets of Spy Gear for Kids

Spy game is one of several good activities for children, and fortunately a lot of children love to play it. This is a healthy game for kids since it helps both the body and mind of your children to be more active. Besides, it also helps your children to improve their creativity and imagination. Therefore, if your children love playing this game, you can give them complete sets of spy gear to your children.

Generally, spy gear is divided into several different categories including security, surveillance, defense, as well as communication. With those tools in the hands of your kids, they could be great young Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes. Now let us talk about those categories one by one.

Invisible Set

The first category will be security tools. There are several devices that support the security of the gathered information of any mission well. The most basic security tools that gives high protection for the data is the digital safe. Some supporting security systems are also available to increase the security of the data, such as laser trip wires and motion sensor alarm. Laser trip wires usually set the alarm off whenever somebody walks through these invisible lasers.

Surveillance is the second category of spy gear. Usually, any amateur spy needs a night-vision apparatus. You can find some product that comes in night-vision goggles as well as small scopes. In order to help your children seeing objects in the dark, these products are using blue or red LED lights. Besides, you can also find some varieties of audio surveillance systems in several different forms, including spy pen and remote controlled audio spy cars. Spy pen allows your children hear conversation at medium range. Meanwhile, audio spy cars allow your kids to hear conversation from up to 75 feet away.

The third category of spy gear will be defense tools. Many selections of weapon to defense the enemy are available in a lot of types. The most common weapon available for your kids is water gun in many different sizes. This certain weapon is safe enough for your kids so you should not be worry that it might injure your kids. Besides, guns that shoot soft darts or discs are also available in the market.

Then, the last category will be communication tools. This is also an essential supporting tool in any espionage activity of your children. The most common communication tools used in this activity is walkie talkie. It allows your kids to have direct communication to their partners. For the written communication, pens with invisible ink are also available. Not to mention some types of message decoders that are also very useful to help the little spies communicate each other.

So, if spy game is the favorite game of your children, providing toys in those fours categories is a great idea. Besides, your children will also be very happy to receive those complete sets of spy gear.

Complete Sets of Spy Gear for Kids

There are a lot of great quality walkie talkies for kids available in the market, so you will not find any difficulty in finding the best product for your children. Find the best best walkie talkie for your children.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Invisible Conversations

The life we create exists in conversations, several conversations actually, some spoken, some written down, many unspoken, some remembered, most forgotten, yet all put together over time. The best way to achieve our goals and learn and grow as individuals is to first understand who we are and how the conversations we have influence what we do. I refer to these conversations as our invisible conversations.

Our invisible conversations entail our inner dialogue of judgments, evaluations, worries, and insecurities that we are having while we are interacting with others and which can keep us from being present or prevent us from achieving our goals. These are so powerful they can drive us to success or failure. They can impact who we are in a way that can propel us forward, bring us back, or completely stop us. They can make us dwell about the past or worry about the future.

Invisible Set

Your story is the mosaic, or interconnected elements, of all the conversations occurring throughout your life. We often forget that we have a choice in how we write this story. Some people live their lives without ever realizing what they truly care and love most about this world. One of the main reasons for this is that sometimes we aren't very good at understanding who we are. While we may be really good at what we do, we sometimes don't have a clue about how to control our thoughts. We can focus so much of our energy and attention on outside events that we can neglect understanding our inner self.

This book is a guide to understanding and becoming aware of the conversations that you have about yourself and others that stand in the way of your success. Once we begin to understand why we have them and how we can change them, we can start being in control of our thoughts and not have our thoughts control us.

The book Invisible Conversatons is divided into 7 distinct areas or subjects, which independently and together provide insight into the overall mosaic of invisible conversations, Each subject includes a set of practices or exercises to help you work on mastering that area. The practices are simple and easy to follow but require regular repetition plus, most importantly, a willingness to open your mind and heart to understanding more about who you are.

I suggest you begin to pay attention to what your invisible conversations are, the one you think but don't say and see if they are forwarding or stopping you?

Remember, believe in yourself and you will accomplish your dreams!

Invisible Conversations

Please visit my blog at http://unleashingYourMagic.com for more great information and ideas about this subject. I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your journey to great success. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Stay Connected to Your SOURCE (Part 1)

Before I show you how to stay connected to your SOURCE as I promised in the last installment on this series, let's pause a bit and check what we have covered so far. What I set out to teach you is A Simple, 3-step System That Pumps Money Into Your Bank Account Like An Invisible Paymaster.

The three steps are: Learn It, Do It and Sell It.

Invisible Set

Learn It is the code I used for the process you go through when you set out to acquire knowledge. Whatever it is that will make people to pay for a legitimate service you render to them, you must first learn how it is done or you must find a way of adequately rewarding an expert who knows the thing very well to partner with you.

As I explained, most people find it easy to go for this first step. Today, many Nigerians have come to realize that acquiring knowledge is a vital key to success and so they are investing both their time and money on it.

Do It refers to actually doing the thing you've learnt. That is, putting it into practice, with the objective of mastering it. This is where most people are failing. They think once you've learnt something, you are automatically qualified to get paid for what you know.

No, it doesn't work that way. You must first turn your knowledge into a physical product or service and offer it to somebody as something that adds value to them. When you do that, then the Invisible Paymaster will step in and start filling your bank account with money.

Unfortunately, the knowledge you acquired is not enough to get you to this point. You have to first of all master the process by doing it over and over again until you perfect it. It is then and only then that you can step out and start offering the product or service for sale.

Available statistics show that well over 90 percent of those who acquired one knowledge or the other find it difficult to get past this stage. What causes them to stumble? I pin-pointed 12 reasons and analysed them in detail in my previous write-ups. Are there ways to overcome the challenge?

The answer to that led us to examining two powerful barrier removers. I identified them as [1] having a definite purpose and [2] knowing your SOURCE and connecting to Him. Definite purpose simply means identifying where GOD wants you to be and refusing to accept anything less, no matter the odds that you face in the process of getting there.

In order for you to have a definite purpose and be able to surmount the odds before it is delivered into your hands, you must not only know your SOURCE, you must also connect to HIM and stay connected to HIM.

Your SOURCE is GOD, your Creator. Without Him, you can of your own do nothing meaningful that will last and give you peace of mind. For "the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" [Proverbs 10:22].

This is the point that we got to in the last installment on the subject. So now you know the SOURCE of all that is. You also know how to connect to Him and welcome Him into your life. Now, how do you stay connected to Him? That is what we want to examine in this installment.

Basically, there are SEVEN things you must observe to stay connected to Him. They are:

[1] Walking in truth

[2] Being faithful

[3] Being diligent

[4] Being a committed tither

[5] Sowing ceaselessly and not sparingly.

[6] Believing in your SOURCE and

[7] Saying with conviction whatever your SOURCE says you are.

Those are the fundamentals. If all these attributes are in place, there is no doubt that you will be unstoppable. Yes, you will be above only and not beneath. And you will lend to many nations and you'll not borrow.

Sounds exciting? I agree with you. So, come with me as we look at each one of these seven basic ingredients for staying connected to your SOURCE.

Walking In Truth

What does it mean to walk in truth? First, we must define what truth is. According to the Bible, the Word of GOD is the truth. "The entirety of Your word is the truth," says the Psalmist. See Psalms 119:160a. Also see John 17:17.

Before we go far, let me quickly make one point clear. The Bible is the only authentic source for the Word of GOD. We are going to rely 100% on it for everything that has to do with our SOURCE. It's His manual for us. Whatever is not found in it has no basis for our subject.

With that said, Walking in Truth would, therefore, mean acting on the Word of GOD. Doing what the Word of GOD says. Obeying it completely and not partially.

A few examples of how to Walk in Truth.

The Word of GOD says in Philippians 4:6 [the Amplified Bible translation]: "Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to GOD."

Now, if you've been plagued by the worrying and fretting disease as I was before I began to align my thinking with the Word of GOD, you know that this is easier said than done. For a long time, I was convinced that if there was an Olympic sport for people who fret and worry, I would win the gold medal hands down.

Such was my great ability at worrying that I would be so tensed up I wouldn't be able to do anything for hours and days. In fact, I used to be so worried that I would fall sick as a result. But when I started to learn how to walk in truth, I began to gain my freedom from this terrible habit.

Because worrying is a negative habit, any small thing can trigger it off. For example, if I sent one of our children on an errand and I reasoned that he was taking long for him to return, I would start to imagine all kinds of things. And the longer it took for the child to show up, the worse I would feel.

Some other times it could be a bill that was due to be settled. The moment I remember it and realized that I had not figured out how I would be able to pay it, I would break out in cold sweat. Anything and everything could get me to start worrying. Even if I was making positive progress in a project I was handling, it was enough reason for me to start worrying. I would think, maybe the reason I was achieving my targets easily was because I was about to die.

But, as Master Jesus says in John 8:32: "And you shall know the truth; and the truth shall make you free," I embraced the truth in Philippians 4:6 and began to gradually walk in it until today that people who are close to me have come to the conclusion that nothing seems to bother me.

Now, it's not that the devil has given up trying to get me to worry. But each time it tries to harass me that way and I remember what the Word of GOD says in Philippians 4:6, it neutralizes it automatically.

And that brings me to the second example I want to use to illustrate this point. My Bible says in Isaiah 1:19: "If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land." To walk in the light of this truth, it simply means you must first be willing to do what GOD says in His Word and then go right ahead to reverence GOD by doing it.

Without a combination of the two, that is, without your willingness to do what He says and then obediently acting on it, you will not get the desired result. GOD will not compel you to do what He says in His Word. He doesn't force you to do anything because He has given you free will. He will not violate your will.

But if you demonstrate your willingness to do it and then go ahead to do it, you can be certain that whatever it is that He promised, like for example that I should not fret, He is well able to see to it that the thing that was going to cause me to fret did not happen. That is why we His children say He's a faithful Father.

Okay, let's stop here this week. Next week, we shall continue to explore how to stay connected with your SOURCE once you discover Him.

How to Stay Connected to Your SOURCE (Part 1)

Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase is the publisher of the nationally acclaimed monthly magazine, SuccessDigest and founder of SuccessDigest Leaders' Club. His publications have helped thousands of people to launch their own successful businesses. To learn more about him and how you may profit from his wealth of experience visit http://sunnyojeagbase.com.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Principles Of Faithfulness In Relationships

Faithfulness is basically the ability to be trusted. It is the cornerstone of the character of a person. Faithfulness is not simply a set of rules one must obey. It is a matter of developing an invisible quality, a certain style and character of doing things. Faithfulness must radiate from the heart and must not just be the following of instructions. You breed faithfulness in your relationship by being faithful to your spouse. Faithfulness to your spouse involves self-control and discipline. It is for sure that nobody really wants to be with someone who is unpredictable and unfaithful.

I strongly believe that there are some principles of faithfulness every one in a relationship or intending to enter into one must know and understand. Understanding these principles will help us create a culture of faithfulness in every relationship. By the way, culture is the way of life of a group of people. Therefore, by creating a culture of faithfulness, we are saying let faithfulness be part and parcel of our daily actions: Faithfulness in our talks, faithfulness to our marriage partners, faithfulness in our promises, faithfulness in our monetary transactions, and so on. Please take note of the following principles of faithfulness.

Invisible Set

1. Faithfulness is not based on emotions but on principles
Always remember this: Relationships and decisions that are based on emotions rather than principles are not substantial. If you've decided to be in a relationship with a particular person, then it should be based on principles not because the person has lost a close relative, has a pointed nose, has two "standing up" breast, or you once promised to marry him or her (even though his or her immorality now is highly questionable), or he or she is your boss, or one way or other, you are highly indebted to that particular person in question.

Faithfulness is conked out when principles are set aside. Do not just follow family lines, example, saying, "If it's brother or your sister, wife or even yourself, then it must be right. When faithfulness is based on principles, one tends to do the right things.

2. Faithfulness demands analysis.
An analysis is a detailed study or interpretation of the information set before you. When your faithfulness is tested, you will have to analyze many things in order to stay faithful. First of all, you have to analyze the past. Anytime you analyze the events of the past it will help you to remain faithful. An elderly man once said something interesting to me. He said, "if my wife comes in and finds me on top of a lady on our matrimonial bed, with my waist moving up and down like a pendulum, and even with my penis busy in the vagina of the lady, she will only be mad at the lady, chase her out and just say to me, "its all right"."

"Just that", I surprisingly voiced out. "My son", he began to explain things to me, "You see, my wife knows and understands me very well. I have never once cheated on her and she has seen me overcome a lot of sexual temptations from women. If a lady can trap me to have sex with her, then she has to use a charm and even that will be very difficult for her." "So you mean your wife will judge you today base on your attitude yesterday?" "Smart boy! That is right", he praised and acknowledged my analysis to be right.

The wife of this elderly man will not under that circumstance get infuriated by his actions, but still pardon him. That is faithfulness based on analysis! Secondly, in order to remain faithful over a long period of time, you will need to make a good analysis of the individual concerned. When people begin to come up with all forms of subversive stories and slanderous reports about your wife,husband or partner, think carefully about what they are saying. Analyze the individual who is being criticized and whether it makes sense. I am certain that many people do not think for a moment about the past. If they do so, they can remain faithful to their love ones even beyond all reasonably doubts.

3. Faithfulness will cost you your companionship and relationships.
Faithfulness has a price and it's very expensive. You will have some friends with whom you can no longer flow. The reason for this is your faithfulness to the wife, husband or life - partner. Your faithfulness to your wife or husband may even cost you your relationship with your family.

4. A faithful person does not hold back information.
Consider a love one faithful if he or she tells you about any corruption or any loutish deeds that is taking place around you. If you find out that he or she knew all along, but said nothing, you should consider him or her to be unfaithful. In any institution, a good and loyal structure works by faithful people who inform the top about anything that is out of order. When you refuse to tell your husband about his sexual weakness, for example, so he could seek some medical advice, but you pretend to enjoy his sexual displays and frolics on you, then you are unfaithful to him.

At times, the truth really hurts. But the truth will always stand. Informing your partner of an insidious issue now could bring that situation to a halt and prevent it from escalating. A faithful person does not hold back information!

5. Faithfulness require a strong convincing power.
To be committed to a relationship requires what I call a "strong convincing power". It is important to establish in your heart all the facts about the person with whom you're in love with. Be fully persuaded so that when the accusations, trials and testings come you will be able to remain faithful him or her. If you are going to be faithful to your husband, you will have to be sure about him. Is he somebody you can trust? Is he somebody who is what he claims to be?

To exert that strong convincing power that will enable your partner to be faithful to you, let all your actions be open to your partner. It said that openness breeds full persuasion. Openness about your finances, relationships with the opposite sex, as well as your future plans. Do not be a mystery person who nobody can fathom. When people start accusing, it is those around you who must be able to answer and defend you confidently and correctly. Be fully persuaded that you are in a good relationship which you have always wanted to be. Be fully convinced about your wife or husband. Before you venture into marriage, be fully convinced about it. This is essential for the development of true faithfulness.

Be trustworthy!

Principles Of Faithfulness In Relationships

For more on how to enjoy a faithful relationship, please CLICK HERE!

Theo Amoo
A young African writer who writes to spur people on to achieve their goals in life.
For more of my writings, please go to http://www.relationshiponline.info.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Drawbacks of an Invisible Pet Fence - When Your Wireless Dog Fence Doesn't Work As Planned

When it comes to keeping your dog safe in his own yard, there is no better way to do it than by installing a fence. Fences for dogs come in all different shapes and sizes, and in some instances, there is no fence at all. A popular option is what is commonly referred to as an invisible dog fence, or an underground pet containment system. Most underground dog fence systems use a small gauge wire buried around the perimeter of the yard. A receiver in the dog's collar shocks the dog when he gets too close to the perimeter. Hopefully, over time, the dog learns to stay away from the edge of his yard.

But there are some drawbacks to an invisible pet fence. While the goal of the wireless dog fence is to keep your dog inside your yard, it does nothing to keep other intruders out. Anything, or anyone, can wander onto your lawn. This includes wild animals, strangers, or other dogs. Your dog could be attacked by a stray in his own yard. Or neighborhood children could tease or harm your pet, which opens you up to a liability lawsuit if your dog bites them while defending himself.

Invisible Set

Another downside is replacing the dog collar batteries every three months. Over time this can cost a bit of cash. Some people put reminder messages into their calendar, while others get set up with a company to have the batteries automatically shipped to them on a scheduled basis. Unfortunately, sometimes the battery supplier forgets to send them, and you are left with a radio dog fence that has no active receiver. Another possibility is that you may not even know that the battery has died until you look outside and your best friend is gone.

Some dogs are highly sensitive to the dog shock collar. It can cause such fear and anxiety in your pet that they may not want to even go out in the yard. This can lead to accidents in the house and other undesirable behavior. It's been said that it can take a month or two for a dog to get used to the electric pet fence and dog training collars, but is it worth two months of cleaning up messes left by your dog?

It's been reported by the pet containment fence manufacturers that this product works on 90% of the dogs. But what if your dog is in that 10% category where it doesn't work? Some dogs just appear immune to the system. This may be due to their size, or the amount of fur on their necks. For others, if the temptation is too great, nothing is going to hold them back. Shock, or no shock, they're gone. Sometimes dog's don't realize they're blowing through the wireless electronic dog fence barrier and by then it's too late. This can lead to dogs getting trapped outside of their yards. They will not cross the zapper to get back in, and could end up running off.

When assessing your options for a dog fence, and a wireless electric dog fence in particular, just remember that smart dogs will figure it out, and sensitive dogs are wounded to their core. Hope that yours is somewhere in-between.

Drawbacks of an Invisible Pet Fence - When Your Wireless Dog Fence Doesn't Work As Planned

If you're looking for pet containment systems to keep your dog safe and happy, then check out my #1 recommended site on fences for dogs.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to Set Boundaries That Your Dog Will Obey Every Time

It's no surprise that dogs have a natural tendency to explore and learn more about the world around them. On the leash, they excitedly pull us this way and that as they smell something interesting and dive in for a closer smell. This is unfortunately why thousands of dogs end up lost each year; they decide they need to satisfy their curiosities and the next thing we know they are gone. But there are several ways to avoid this heartbreak. First, use the benefit of a great containment technology called an invisible dog fence. Second, if your dog does get out again, consider looking at one of the many dog tracking collars so you can find your dog quickly.

The first way to set boundaries for any dog is to establish them immediately. In all of the perimeters around your home, walk your dog around the perimeter you plan to set for him. When he starts to go off course, make an unpleasant sound and tug on his collar briefly. Keep doing this several times a day for a week prior to your purchase of a pet fence. Next, decide on an invisible pet fence to buy for your front and back yards. These systems are meant for being outside in the elements and they are reliable and active 24 hours a day. They come with a wire for a boundary, so be sure to place this wire in the same boundary you have been showing your dog. Most kits come with markers or stakes to give your dog something to see as he learns the boundaries. Once the collar is on the dog and the wire is activated by the indoor power unit, the dog will begin receiving correction for nearing the wire. The pet fence companies claim that a dog will learn to stay within its boundaries, without a leash, in less than 2 week's time.

Invisible Set

Dog tracking collars come in many different styles, with all sorts of features, and in a variety of price ranges. Decide what you need for your situation before buying a collar. If you take your dog hunting and will be traveling to lots of different places where you and your dog may become separated, then look for a longer-range collar with something like GPS. Yes, just like what we love to have in our cars, we can have in our dog's collar. The GPS system works the same by telling us our dog's exact location via satellite positioning. These systems work in more than just a hunting scenario, they can work for any dog that runs away and needs to be found. This can save your dog from being out on the streets any longer than he has to. However, though you can find your dog in a jiffy if he runs away, seriously consider investing in an invisible dog fence as a compliment to any dog tracking collars you decide on.

The above technologies work together to create a safer and more secure boundary for your pet. You can allow them to roam outside with confidence knowing that they will not run off or get hit by a car. There's no price tag you can put on that kind of peace of mind!

How to Set Boundaries That Your Dog Will Obey Every Time

For more information about electric pet fence, please go to http://www.discount-pet-mall.com.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Selecting Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Rings

How do you choose the right diamond engagement ring? It seems that some of this industry is under the microscope and consumers aren't sure what they're supposed to look for in an excellent princess diamond cut quality diamond.

In trying to figure out the best type of cut to get it's good to know that some cuts are always in style. These include princess cut, round, and pear among others. The importance of a princess cut engagement ring is that this particular cut is very forgiving to flaws. Getting familiar with the shape, a princess cut is very much like an inverted pyramid with the base being rectangular. The pyramid shape must not be too long or too stumpy. Look for the least amount of flaws to the naked eye. The lack of flaws is referred to as clarity, although none are completely perfect.

Invisible Set

The princess cut diamond comes from a raw, properly formed crystal in the shape of an octahedral that is then sliced. If you can imagine, it is the typical diamond shape that is much like two pyramids put together. Other diamonds come from diamonds that are smaller or not as properly formed and then shaped into their prospective shape.

The big question is carats. What size is the right size? The size of a carat is about 6.4mm, but diamonds come in smaller sizes and bigger sizes as well. Carats are measured by size and weight of the diamond. These can be priced from half carat, three-fourths carat, and one carat and so on, making the size of the carat dependent on what the buyer is willing to spend.

Pricing is normally and primarily based on carat size. A princess cut diamond engagement ring can vary in price depending on many different things; carat size, color, cut, clarity and the ring. The highest quality with the least amount of flaws will typically be the priciest diamond. The Princess cut diamond ring can be made to fit many budgets. The quality of the diamond can vary and the price of the ring it will sit on. The price can range in the affordable hundreds into the thousands.

Where you put that princess cut diamond engagement ring is important too. There are precious metals to consider; platinum is by far the most popular because of durability. Classic yellow gold is of course the one that has been around the longest, while some women prefer the color of white gold and some titanium. These rings can be customized with an internal engraving.

The rings that are used for the princess cut diamond engagement rings are those with special placement prongs. The placement prongs are specially made so as to not damage and show off the best facets of the princess cut diamond. A properly polished princess cut diamond engagement ring will have the best brilliance and the least amount of noticeable flaws in comparison to most other cuts.

Buyers, keep in mind the four C's when purchasing a Princess cut diamond engagement ring: carat, color, clarity, cut and the quality and make of the ring it sits on. These special qualities will produce a beautiful ring and can be made to fit your budget whatever it may be.

Selecting Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Rings

When looking for a ring, simayof.com is the perfect place. we have a wonderful selection of pave engagement rings, solitaire engagement rings and other styles of affordable engagement rings.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Use the Incredible Power of Hypnotic Suggestion

Before we begin learning about how to master the astonishing power of hypnotic suggestions, I have a small confession to make. At first I did not get it. I though that if I did a nice fancy instant induction, and had someone in a state of 'trance' that was it, they were hypnotized. If you look at some of my earlier hypnosis YouTube videos you'll see that that was basically all I did, no suggestion, no hypnotic phenomena at all! And what a waste that was! Without suggestion hypnosis is nothing, it is utterly pointless and accomplishes nothing at all. But what can you use suggestion for? The answer is, anything!

You can change peoples realities to the point where you can:

Invisible Set

- Become invisible (this one's quite fun!)
- "Stick" anyone to anything
- Have them forget their name age etc
- Cure phobias, bad habits addictions and other problems
- Make people feel incredibly good
- Boost peoples confidence and self esteem
- Make anything become true for anyone inside their reality.

A famous hypnotist once said 'hypnosis is a state where if I tell you that onion you're eating is an apple, it is." Likewise, if you tell someone they are an alien, a non smoker, forgetting their name, unable to see their friend etc, it becomes true for them.

So how do you do this? Simple! First and foremost you typically (not always, but typically) need to establish a trance state. This is a focused state of mind which naturally occurs to all of us every single day in which there is heightened responsiveness to all ideas and suggestions, and a significant reduction or bypass of people's critical faculties. Next you need to give your suggestions. How do you do this?

There are three crucial laws that you should follow as much as possible to ensure your suggestions stick.

1. Be confident, believe that what you say will happen. People subconsciously pick up on your doubt or insecurities, so be sure you at least act confident.

2. Keep them positive. By this I really mean make sure that by following your suggestions you hypnotized subject will benefit. You could say' in a moment I will become invisible' and this may work, but if you said 'in a moment I am going to disappear, become totally invisible, and this will NOT frighten or scare you, it will amaze you and fill you with a powerful and long lasting surge of confidence and pride, knowing that because i, who am standing right here, are totally invisible to you you know that you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it." This will have a hugely greater chance of success as it is connected to positive emotions, people act in their own self interest, and as feeling good and becoming more successful it in peoples self interest, they will do anything to make it happen.

3. Thirdly, find a reference experience. People experience all hypnotic phenomena in everyday life, so talk about this when you give your suggestions to teach people how to respond the way you want them to, ie for amnesia you could talk about natural mind blanks, for invisibility you could speak about just not noticing things you are looking for, for confidence you could talk about natural mastery over certain easy things, eg breathing.

So now you know the rarely taught but incredibly powerful secrets of delivering masterfully phrased hypnotic suggestions.

How to Use the Incredible Power of Hypnotic Suggestion

I look forward to seeing you over at my hypnosis blog where as well as the best free hypnosis articles on the web you'll have free exclusive access to numerous audio interviews with today's world leaders in hypnosis, covert hypnosis and street hypnosis.

Go to http://keystothemind.com now.

PS - Do not forget to sign up to the free hypnotic handshake induction eCourse and claim your free lessons in perhaps the most powerful of all hypnotic inductions.

Go to http://keystothemind.com now.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Learn How To Set Yourself Up For Success

Imagine the impact of starting a business venture, project, or goal primed with an attitude of being successful from day 1.

Self-doubt and fear are social viruses that lurk in the psyche, silent and still, until you start to move toward your dreams and goals and then they attack you from the inside out. It's as if the first step outside of your comfort zone unleashes the predators to cannibalize your motivation and commitment to succeed. If you can make one simple shift, to bypass this risk, your entire approach and the results you produce will be transformed. You may be wondering to yourself if it can really be that simple ... well, the truth is - it's simple but that's not synonymous with natural and it certainly isn't the equivalent of easy or effortless. At the same time, it's not that hard either once you make up your mind to do it.

Invisible Set

The reason this simple solution is so powerful and effective is because most people fail before they even start taking any action at all. The invisible parasites called self-doubt and fear have already made their home inside your head. In fact, they have been embedded there by years of socialization that begins in our formative years. There is no escaping the social conditioning that teaches us to be fearful, hesitant, and to approach our unique gifts, talents, and dreams with reluctance. To insulate yourself against the dream slayer you must establish a preemptive position of power by seeing yourself successful from day 1.

Let's see how you already apply this strategy in other areas of your life such as driving. Do you remember when you first learned to drive? It was unnatural, awkward, and scary. Yet most of us have been socialized to move beyond the discomfort and keep at it until it feels like second nature. Now do you realize that driving is a dangerous activity? Even being a passenger is risky. Statistically speaking, you could end up being the victim of an auto accident. It happens to people all the time; the little fender benders as well as major crashes and yet we drive and ride without giving it much thought.

The reason this is so is because we have an agreement about driving that has been validated and reinforced by those around us. This agreement allows us to assume a position of success when it comes to driving or riding in a car. Before you open the car door, put on your seat belt, or turn on the engine, you have settled the matter in your head - I will arrive safely at my intended destination. Now ask yourself, is this a fact or an assumption. It's an assumption, of course.

Can you imagine riding in a car with any other assumption locked in place? You'd be a nervous wreck before you reached the first stop light. Due to stress and anxiety, you would be more likely to cause an accident thus creating a negative self-fulfilling prophecy.

Can you see how this works? Yet, this is exactly how we approach our dreams and goals. Our business venture is a failure before we invest the first dollar. The potential client said no even before we picked up the phone to call her. The deal's gone bad even before we presented it. In our minds, we fail, and then in real life we tend to duplicate our mental position.

When you start moving outside of your comfort zone, observe your inner response. Check yourself from the inside out and you can see the creation process working against you unless you have learned to assume success first. To put this mini-training session into effect immediately do this simple 3-step process:

1. Before beginning a challenging project of any kind, stop, and then mentally step into the idea of being successful from day 1.

2. Accept being uncomfortable for a little while as you move outside of your comfort zone just like when you learned to drive.

3. Observe yourself closely throughout the process and when you see yourself losing your power position, self-correct as soon as possible.

To learn more about taking this on at the core-level, attend our next free teleclasses "Learn How To Set Yourself Up For Success". In this course you will learn how to establish this preemptive power position and make it part of your permanent inner landscape. You don't have to let self-doubt and fear steal your thunder, douse your passion, or kill your dreams when you make up your mind to begin your new ventures with seeing yourself successful from day 1.

Copyright 2006 Robin Harris, DesignerLife

Learn How To Set Yourself Up For Success

Robin Harris, The DesignerLife Coach, is a Certified Comprehensive Coach and Guerilla Marketing Coach, Instructional Designer, Prosperity Trainer, and founder of [http://www.TheSuccessCafe.com], the virtual gathering place for Prosperity-Central, the free community of excellence that offers free training and coaching for Prosperity Seeking Entrepreneurs. For more help with marketing visit Robin's Marketing site: [http://www.Marketing-With-A-Story.com] and learn how to set up a marketing system that works for you 24/7.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is Your Small Business Invisible? 5 Social Media Points to Consider

Have you noticed how cluttered your social media world has become?

Many small businesses doing social media have thousands of Facebook friends, tens of thousands of Twitter followers, hundreds and hundreds of LinkedIn contacts. At some point it all just gets to be too much. Your friends drop off the radar. You just can't help it. And vice-versa. You and your business become invisible to them.

Invisible Set

So what does this mean for your small business or association that is using social media for marketing?

Do your social media marketing efforts become valueless?

Not at all.

See, what we do as humans is filter our world.

Just like we do in real life (IRL), where we have more stimulation than we can possibly absorb, the brain filters out the things that are extraneous or seemingly unimportant. Think about it this way. We drive ten thousands plus miles per year and hardly notice certain brands of cars. Until we own one. Then we see them everywhere. They were there the whole time but we filtered them out.

It is the same online. We "see", but don't allow into our consciousness, thousands of posts and messages by business and friends everyday but, because they aren't top-of-mind, we filter them out.

Until we don't. Then we see them again.

How do we make sure we aren't getting filtered out?

1) Reach out. Don't wait for others to reach out to you. Reach out to them. Earnestly, but not in a needy, look at me, kind of way. Show you care. Be interested in them first and they will be interested in you.

2) Give Gifts. Be Generous. Find a reason to praise or promote them. Share their posts. Retweet them. Do something nice for them and they will notice you, and often reciprocate. Don't keep score. Give.

3) Be ever present. If you are an inch deep but a mile wide in your social media marketing efforts you won't break through the clutter. Instead, concentrate your efforts so your contacts just can't miss you. Make it about them though, not you.

4) Speak to their world-view. If you know your target market backwards and forwards you can validate them by speaking to their point of view. Think Fox News. Conservatives notice them because Fox speaks to their world-view. Liberals love the Huffington Post's "story" or brand. It validates their world-view so they take notice.

5) Don't blend in by always agreeing. It has been said that 95% of people are followers. When you stand out you cause a ruckus. That is OK. Don't be disagreeable, but disagree if you disagree. Contrarian viewpoints are craved and get interaction.

Once you reignite a relationship, they will see you again.

Is Your Small Business Invisible? 5 Social Media Points to Consider

Frank J. Kenny

With 20 years of business development experience (including my share of ups and downs), I am fanatical about helping entrepreneurs and business associations succeed, especially through new media and technology. Consulting, seminars/webinars, and keynotes.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do Invisible Dog Fences Work?

Fences are primarily used to set boundaries to your property. Most animals use body fluids to mark their territory, humans use fences. Fences also act to keep something in or out of a certain area. Dog owners know the importance of fences all too well. Fences serve as an important tool when it comes to the protection to and from their pets.

In some areas that don't allow putting up fences, the only way to keep their dogs in line is by using invisible boundries. Invisible ones are used to train dogs and set a boundary to them by drawing an invisible line in their minds. Once used for a period of time, the dogs will remember that going too far is bad so they will keep from crossing that line.

Invisible Set

The system makes use of an underground boundary wires along with a dog collar. When the sensor on the collar gets in contact of the sensor of the boundary wires, it sends a shock through the collar which the dog will feel. The shocks are not painful, it is usually just enough to get the attention of your dog. When your dog is near the underground wire, the collar will make a beeping sound to alert your dog. Overtime these stimuli will train the dog not to go further than the boundary you have set.

One of the main problems of invisible dog fences is that other animals may enter the area. Sometimes these animals will come in contact of your dog, and if your pet is curious enough they will often chase those animals. If your dog is too focused on the stray animal and is not used to the invisible boundary system yet, chances are it will chase the stray animal beyond the limitations you have set. Of course this could only happen during the first few days or even weeks but by the time your dog has received enough shocks, it will respond to the warning sound.

The invisible dog fence is safe. The shock that the collar sends to your dog is far from lethal. Aside from keeping your dog inside your property, the it also serves as a training tool. Overtime the dog learns which areas are safe to approach and which ones are off limits. Of course, the invisible boundary works better if you reinforce it by training your pet regularly.

While some complain that their fences don't work for them, this should not be seen as a sign that the system does not work. There are several companies that develop this fencing system and although one brand might not work, others may be able to help. Before purchasing an invisible dog fence system, you should check whether the collar works properly. Make sure it produces a beeping sound several seconds before delivering a mild shock.

Do Invisible Dog Fences Work?

Dog doors are great. You might want to bring up the subject during Doberman Pincher training or while training a German Shepherd.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Game Set and Match Mr Triumph

It seems a breeze when you start out on something new, brimming with energy and excitement then all of a sudden your realise those little voices in your head are talking to you again and you start to lose your momentum.

Setting Goals is I believe, the easy part. It is an absolutely great feeling to spend some time dreaming about how you would like to live your life in the future, your dream house in your dream location, your glistening car parked in the drive, the income to be able to do things that you want and the time to spend as you please, ah yes that is the easy part.

Invisible Set

What tends to come in between the joy of goal setting and the euphoria of reaching them, apart from the action part, is the motivation to keep going whatever happens.

The fact is, even if you are an expert at applying the Law of Attraction to your life, there is an incubation period for everything. The experts will tell you that for the Cosmos to deliver your every wish is effortless, but there will be a time delay and no one knows how long it will be.

That is why Goal Setting should be in terms that have meaning to you, for example if you are just starting out in business this year then first year profits are unlikely to be in the six figure bracket, but if your goal is a six figure turnover, than that is being more realistic.

The other demon will be the invisible one, the little devil in your mind that will play a tennis match with your beliefs, so that one day you can conquer the world, do everything, stick to the diet, complete the exercise plan and still have energy to spare, then the very next day the little devil will suddenly start to plant all sorts of moments of disbelief in your mind, perhaps something goes wrong in the morning, you miss your train, you spill coffee on your shirt before a meeting and all of a sudden when you return home you just want to de-stress and vegging out because today has been so hard.

If you think about using that tennis match to your advantage, you will find it easier to control those moments of stress if you acknowledge that Mr Defeat is Playing a tennis match with Mr Triumph in your head all the time (at least for a while until the victor emerges.)

This will clarify for you when moments do not appear to be going your way, you can immediately think that you know Mr Defeat is 40-30 up and it is advantage Mr Defeat, even if you lose the game, always know that Mr Triumph will win the match. It might be a five set thriller, with a 14 to 12 games win in last set, but you must motivate yourself to keep going no matter what Mr Defeat does along the way.

With practise and with progress, he will win less and less games as the match unfolds, so focus on each small step of your plan, accept they will not all go your way all of the time and focus on the phrase Game, Set and Match Mr Triumph.

Game Set and Match Mr Triumph

Diane Cossie delights in all aspects of setting Goals, maintaining Motivation and inspiring Action with regular tips and advice on the Blog at http://www.dianecossie.com

Reasoning that health, wealth & happiness should follow a disciplined approach to goals, motivation and action, she incorporates her view on being forty something and wealth building strategies in a diplomatic yet effective way.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Inspector Calls at the Shaw Festival (A Review)

The Inspector Calls, playing through October at the Shaw Festival (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario), is an ingeniously plotted classic mystery play, full of well-timed twists and turns, a sure bet for an evening's entertainment. (I rant about the strong ideological content of this play in a separate article.) The Shaw Festival's presentation is more than competent, but we left disappointed.

It is a pleasure, year after year, to see Benedict Campbell at the Shaw Festival. What an outstanding, versatile actor! Six years ago, he was brilliant as Lear's loyal follower, the Earl of Kent, at the Stratford Festival (playing with Christopher Plummer's as Lear). Since then, happily, he has been at the Shaw, where, two years ago, I was genuinely moved at his and Kelli Fox's touching portrayal of the the complex relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible. Last year, we were astonished to see him singing and dancing in Mack and Mabel, in which, energetically and single-handedly, he set the tone for the Shaw's fabulous production.

Invisible Set

This year, Campbell is the Inspector in J. B. Priestley's thriller, and he has just the solid heft and authoritative presence that the role requires. He is, in fact, so convincing as an English police detective that many in our audience seemed to have difficulty accepting the possibility that he might be something else altogether. As to that, Priestley gives the audience plenty of clues, beginning with the Inspector's name, "Goole." Even so, I think many left the Festival Theater genuinely baffled as to just what had actually befallen the Birling family.

The set for An Inspector Calls features a large platform that rotates imperceptibly by 180 degrees during the course of the play, moving the actors and the props with it. (A friend told us that, in a late rehearsal, this platform had collapsed under the weight of the actors and had to be reinforced.) Its purpose seems to be to instruct the audience that, as new revelations about the Birlings made the characters to see their lives differently, so we the audience must see them from different perspectives as well. (As noted in my earlier post, Priestley's objective in this play is as much to indoctrinate as it is to entertain.)

And, indeed, shocking revelations about the encounters between the unfortunate Eva Smith and various members of the Birling family kept coming, keeping the audience buzzing at intermission about what they thought would be the next twist in the plot.

All said and done, however, the "thrill" was missing from this thriller. The revelatory moment in the last act when chills should have run up and down our spines came and went without chills. We never made any sense of a mysterious light that flitted randomly along the edges of the set. A female figure (who had no lines) appeared hazily on stage between scene changes for no apparent reason. As Arthur and Sybil Birling, two of our very favorite actors, Peter Hutt and Mary Haney, were not permitted to demonstrate their dramatic range and left us flat.

The Shaw Festival's artistic director, Jackie Maxwell, now overseeing her sixth season, seems to be following the practice of her predecessor, Christopher Newton, in allocating at least one slot in a season's playbill to something in the mystery/thriller genre, plays like Laura, Sorry Wrong Number, and Agatha Christie adaptations. Here I am reminded that our very worst experience at the Shaw Festival involved a play from this slot, 2006's disastrous The Invisible Man. The sets and the costumes were gorgeous, the special effects superb, and the acting unobjectionable. But what mediocre material the cast had to work with! That "suspense" play, in which invisible parts of Griffin's body were revealed during the opening scene, was about as suspenseful as a slasher movie in which teenagers start getting axed in the first five minutes. Nothing built up to anything, and the Invisible Man himself was a whining johnny-one-note. We never got to know any characters well enough to care about them, and the playwright failed to introduce two important characters, Dr. Kemp and his wife, until the play was mostly over. This year's An Inspector Calls is more like it.

An Inspector Calls at the Shaw Festival (A Review)


Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Apply Invisible Makeup in 10 Easy Steps

The whole idea with natural makeup is to achieve a radiant face that is prettier than what nature had provided. Rosier lips. Flushed cheeks. Perfect skin that is soft and smooth and radiant. Long lush lashes. Bigger eyes. The works.

That can be achieved with makeup. Only difference is how obvious do you want it to be that you are wearing makeup?

Invisible Set

Ideally, you should look prettier, yet look like you are not wearing any makeup at all. Is that possible?

Ironically, it takes the full slew of makeup to look like you aren't wearing any. You would need a makeup base, foundation, concealer, translucent loose powder, powder blusher, lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, koh and a facial spray.

The result is as if you aren't wearing makeup, but you look so much prettier than you normally do when your skin is really makeup-free.

Makeup is all about enhancing your beauty, not detracting from it. Done right, skin looks radiant, eyes bigger and brighter and lips so much more kissable. Great makeup application does that for you.

Yes, you can go adventurous with dramatic eye makeup, or go for the gothic look, but hey, won't it be more fun to have them guessing whether you were born naturally gorgeous?

There a few tricks to note.

1) You choice of color
2) Blend, blend, blend
3) Mist and Set.


Step 1
After cleansing, toning and moisturizing your face, dot on makeup base and blend it with finger tips over your entire face.

Step 2.
Get a foundation that matches your skin exactly. Test the color on your jawline. It should disappear completely.
Dot that foundation on your face and blend it in so it disappears into your skin.

Step 3.
Are any blemishes visible? Are your dark circles still obvious? If you really need more coverage, use a concealer that matches your skin. Dab on just enough with a brush onto the blemishes or dark circles and blend that in until the concealer vanishes completely.

Step 4.
Pick a blusher in a natural color -- the pink of your cheeks when you blush, or after a great workout. Or the golden glow you get on your cheekbones after a day out in the sun. Take a blusher brush and apply the blush on cheeks, forehead, chin and tip of your nose for all over radiance.

Step 5.
Choose an eyeshadow in a natural brown, peach or beige a shade or two darker than your natural skin tone. Apply that over your entire eyelid. Take another eyeshadow a few shades darker and apply into the crease of your eyelid to make eyes bigger. Take a large makeup brush and blend the eyeshadow on your eyelids so that no distinct lines between the different colors remain.

Step 6.
Dust the entire face with loose translucent powder to set the makeup so that it looks more natural.

Step 7.
Spritz face lightly with a facial mist to set the makeup.
Lay a kleenex over your face for a second.

Step 8.
Draw a fine line with kohl on the outer half of the upper lash line to make eyes look a little bigger. Smudge the line to soften it.

Step 9.
Apply a coat of mascara to open up the eyes and make lashes look lush and long.

Step 10.
Pick a lipstick that is the same color as the inside of your lip. Apply that with a lip brush. Blot the excess with kleenex.

How to Apply Invisible Makeup in 10 Easy Steps

No time? Here's Natural makeup in 5 steps [http://www.cosmeticsonline.info/articles.php?article=62] from the writer's site [http://www.cosmeticsonline.info]

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pantomime Season Gets Set For Scene Shifting Castors!

Scene shifting castors and low level castors are at the forefront supporting stage and scenery movement in theatres all over the country. Ever wondered how the scenery seems to move effortlessly around the stage? Without the aid of scene shifting castors and low level castors it would not appear to be so seamless.

Stage and technical directors in theatres all over the UK are gearing up for the panto season! With set designs becoming more intricate and complicated, to keep the audiences interested, castors and wheels are at the forefront of their designs.

Invisible Set

Scene shifting castors are one of the most manoeuvrable castors on the market. These castors are designed in a tripod format. Three swivelling castors on a triangular frame, with a swivelling top plate head to be fixed to sets and scenery. This format enables the castors to travel in an alternative swivel direction to the top plate, enabling seamless and smooth set movement. Quite a sophisticated designed castor, but by no means a pussy cat, these castors can take a maximum load bearing of 460 kilograms each!

The scenery skate castors come in a variety of sizes, with a selection of wheel types. Castors housing a non marking rubber wheel have proven to be a favourite with the technical directors and set designers, as they are quiet and do not mark the stage.

Scene Shifting castors also have a baby brother within the family. This recent development is mini scene shifting castors, with only 35mm diameter wheels, also set within the triangular plate configuration. These little baby skate castors still provide smooth manoeuvrability, with the added benefit of being practically invisible to the audience.

These mini scene skate castors also pack a punch with load bearing, and can take up to 300 kilograms in weight. For ultimate flexibility you have the option of either a nylon, polyurethane or non marking rubber wheel to put into the castors. For ease of movement these castors come with roller bearings, which make the set easier to push and pull around the stage!

Complimentary castors to the scenery skate castors are a cleverly designed low level castor.  Now you really need to know where to look to see these little low levellers! With small twin wheels, diameters of 50mm and a specially designed low level top plate, these castors like to hide! Low level castors traditionally support the movement of grand piano's, security safes and heavy equipment. These castors are increasingly being utilised in theatre land, as they hide discreetly under stage equipment and scenery.

Castors have always played a huge part within any theatre, from set design to the final curtain. Not only do castors assist the stage crew in unloading sets as they tour the country. But also contribute to the seamless movement of the scenery within any production. You may not have even noticed them before, and that's great! It means the castors are doing their jobs! Moving stages, scenery and sets without any noise, interruption to the performance or fuss!

Pantomime Season Gets Set For Scene Shifting Castors!

Castors have been our primary business for the last 40 years. Our aim is "Quality in Quantity" which means you can purchase the right castor at the best possible price and have them delivered to you in 24 hours. Our extensive stocks and low minimum order requirement make it even simpler for you!We sell a range of castors for different applications, including industrial and retail areas. Please visit our website at http://www.rosshandling.co.uk for further information.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Invisalign Teens - The Invisible Braces For Teenagers

Those youngsters requiring orthodontic treatment can cheer up due to easy option of Invisalign Braces for Teens. No more they have to get subjected to bulky metallic wires, brackets etc and feel like Ugly Betty.

Contemporary orthodontic facilities have made it simpler for teenagers to get their uneven teeth treated in as simple way as that of going on shopping spree.

Invisible Set

Present day generation seek not just plain treatment for their uneven teeth, but whole makeover that would make them look different and in sync with latest fashion trends.

The teenagers suffering from any kind of dental problem can now resort to the treatment of Invisalign braces to treat their prized tooth in an innovative.

The teenagers are offered many intelligent options for wearing the braces such as tooth coloring, invisible teeth aligners etc. Teenagers now need not wear those irksome traditional metallic braces that would simply mar their persona and appearance in front of their friends.

Since they prefer selecting all 'in' things, the Invisalign Braces for Teens is also a viable solution for their teeth.

Here is a list of benefits that come through the means of Invisalign Braces for Teens and for their concerned parents too -

1.There is absolutely no need for the patient, or his/her parents to make endless visits to the clinic of orthodontics. They just have to visit only after six weeks to discuses about the alignment of teeth and acquire another set of Aligners.

2.The Invisalign Braces for Teens are best suited for them as they offer convenience and durability at the time of playing, running, swimming or exercising. Same of these activities would not happen with the required ease through the metallic braces. Teenagers can easily clean their braces as well as original teeth by removing the braces easily.

3.Since teenagers pay lot of importance to their looks and appearance, it is significant for them to get accepted into the world as one of their own.

They hate when they look different and dissimilar with their peer group. Invisalign braces give them option of refuting any unwanted attention from their peer group and friends' circle. They really love the fact that Invisalign braces works wonderfully over their teeth-correction and go unnoticed by the world at the same time.

4.Teenagers prefer Invisalign Braces for Teens for the aesthetic appeal that it renders to the wearer. Of course they want the cosmetic overhauling for their misaligned teeth but not at the cost of looking ugly for at least one complete year.

5.The college going teenagers love the treatment through Invisalign braces as they can be removed whenever wanted and can be worn again. These braces are completely clear and invisible and thus do not clash at all with the looks and personality of teenagers.

6.They can wear one set of Invisalign braces for a couple of weeks and then graduate to another level of set. This causes gradual and incremental movement of teeth towards the desired direction. These teeth aligners can be easily removed for their cleaning as it is important to maintain them.

Invisalign Teens - The Invisible Braces For Teenagers

For Further FREE Tips Click here http://www.basrai.co.uk

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Electric Dog Fences - A Wireless Fence Can Benefit You and Your Dog

Wireless Electric Dog Fences

With a transmitter and an electric dog collar you will be able to establish an area for your dog to roam while keeping her safe. All you need is an outlet for the transmitter and an area will be set automatically. A very convenient way to limit your dog's territory without having to lay any wiring underground.

Invisible Set

With this system, your dog will be free to roam up to the limit of the wireless electric fence. When she approaches the limit of the boundary, a beep will emit from the dog's electric collar.

If she fails to turn back and crosses the invisible barrier, the electric dog collar will give off a small electronic shock that acts as a correction and let's your dog know they are out of their boundary.

As long as she remains outside of her invisible dog fence line, she will continue to receive the electronic corrections until the signal cycle ends so your pet is not injured in any way.

To help ensure your dog learns the limits she has set for her, most invisible dog fences will include some kind of markers for you to place around the electronic boundary. Along with the instruction manual, you should be able to have your dog comply with the new situation quite quickly. One thing is to make sure you have the appropriate collar for your dog's size or breed.

Imagine how much better off you, and your dog, will be knowing you won't have to leave them chained up. They will be able to romp and run to their heart's content within the limits of the transmitter.

With a little time in training and the wireless electric fence system set up properly you will have the peace-of-mind knowing your dog is secure, safe and happy.

Electric Dog Fences - A Wireless Fence Can Benefit You and Your Dog

Discover how you can choose the best electric dog fence for your dog among the many electric dog fences at John's site, an informational site dedicated to electric fence solutions for dogs.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Radon - The Invisible Killer

Radon is a colorless, tasteless, naturally occurring radioactive gas found in soil and rock that is a by-product of decaying uranium. You might be thinking, I've heard of uranium, don't they make bombs from that? Well, yes they do, but uranium occurs naturally in rocks all around the globe. Some areas have a natural propensity to have higher concentrations of uranium than others.

Why radon is dangerous

Invisible Set

We are all walking around with a bit of radiation in our bodies, and radon is by far the largest contributor to a person's overall amount of radiation they are carrying around. Breathing high doses of radon has been scientifically proven to cause lung cancer. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, radon could be the second most frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking causing 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States. Radon-induced lung cancer ranks as the 6th leading cause of cancer deaths overall. Other forms of cancer may be related to radon exposure. Studies are underway to see if there exists a relationship between radon exposure and leukemia.

Where radon is

Remember radon gas is formed as a by-product of soil containing granite or shale (the two of which carry larger than average amounts of uranium). But we're talking very small amounts. On average, every square mile of surface soil, to a depth of 6 inches, contains only 1 gram of radium which is responsible for releasing radon into the atmosphere. Worldwide, the amount of radon varies greatly and is variable within a given region and even from room to room in a house.

Is radon in my home?

Radon exits the ground and can seep into your home through cracks and holes in the foundation. Radon gas can also contaminate well water. We know that radon concentrations are usually higher in areas near major fault lines so in Southern California we should be aware and take the proper precautions.

Knowing the characteristics of radon gas should help protect you and your family from exposure. First, radon gas being heavier than air tends to settle in low lying areas. With adequate ventilation, radon gas cannot become concentrated to a level to cause harm. On the other hand, in enclosed areas such as inside buildings, basements and crawl spaces, radon gas levels can become harmful. Second, if you smoke, stop! The effects of radon exposure in people that smoke is synergistic; i.e. the effect of smoking coupled with higher than average levels of radon exposure is greater than the sum of the two parts measured separately.

The EPA claims that 1 in 15 U.S. homes has radon levels above the recommended guideline. Their guideline of what is acceptable is roughly equivalent to receiving 200 chest x-rays over one's lifetime. Their current recommendation (and that of the US Surgeon General) is that all homes be monitored for radon levels.

How to test for radon

Home kits are available in most home centers but it is claimed that their results might not be reliable. A better option would be to hire a professional home inspector with experience in radon testing. Professional tests are reliable in determining if your home has areas in it where radon levels are above the threshold set forth by the EPA. The tests are non-invasive and begin by placing a measurement device near the floor on the lower level of the home. Additional tests may be recommended by the inspector if you have any granite surfaces in your home, like a kitchen countertop. Other than placing the collection devices where recommended, nothing is done. There are some specific instructions that you must follow regarding the testing site(s) like keeping the windows and doors shut as much as possible. Testing may have to be postponed if your area is experiencing high winds or a pending storm, or if humidity levels are high (all of which may adversely affect the test results).

The inspector will return in 2-7 days to collect the devices after which time they are sent to a lab for analysis. Results are usually available shortly thereafter.

How to remove radon

The EPA recommends you use mitigation (control) techniques to reduce indoor radon if levels in your home are above the recommended threshold. Mitigation methods include adding positive pressure ventilation in your home which effectively creates a pressure differential (higher pressure in your home, gas cannot flow in). Sealing all floor penetrations to help prevent the gas from seeping into your home from below is also a good idea. Be advised that ventilating your basement or crawl space IS NOT RECOMMENDED as some people suggest. This flawed mitigation technique practiced by many companies could have the adverse effect of bringing more radon gas in which naturally exists outside the footprint of your home's foundation.

Homebuyers: be sure to read this

If you are in the process of purchasing a home ask your Realtor to include a radon contingency in your offer to purchase. This clause states the maximum level of radon that is acceptable to you and your family. Afterwards, hire a company to survey the home for radon gas levels. Radon testing is offered by most professional home inspection companies so be sure to ask this question when interviewing home inspectors in your area. If radon levels are found to be above the levels set by you in your contingency, this clause will afford you the right to back out of the contract without penalty.

Facts to remember about radon gas

  • Just because your next door neighbor's house has tested high for radon gas does not mean your home is at risk.
  • Houses with basements are not at a higher risk for radon than houses without basements.
  • Radon levels vary region to region, and even from house to house on the same street.

Radon - The Invisible Killer

This article is free to copy and use on your website or other publication providing the information below is included in your article.

Darin Redding is owner of Housecall Property Inspections, a professional San Diego Home Inspection company. Original Article Source: Radon San Diego

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Network Marketing Products - Is Yours Dead on Arrival?

If your #1 network marketing product is not remarkable, you are invisible.

You need a product people will buy even with no compensation plan. Otherwise, it will take way too much work for anyone to build your business.

Invisible Set

I get calls from people who tell me they're searching for a product that truly inspires them. And that is exactly the wrong way to set yourself up for a long-term successful network marketing business.

Instead, search to find a mob of people raving about a product ... THEN

Fall in Love With THAT Product!

Be a passionate advocate for it. Find an MLM product with a HUGE market and fall in love with it.

Some people love to work for companies with a product that fits their self-image ... but they can't make a dime on it.

Do yourself a favor. Focus on the people. Focus on the market. Use Google. Search & compare products. Find something that a ton of people are excited about. Choose a product that everyone else wants.

And then, as you build your people, let them know the wisdom of doing the same thing.

Let me give you an example.

When People Are Excited About a Product, They Run To The Marketplace!

I ask this question of people all the time:

"Do you know anybody who is a diabetic, or who has a blood-sugar disorder?" It's such a simple question. And yet, never once has anyone told me, "No."

So my next question to them is, "Do you think that person would like to know about a product that's all natural, that costs less than , that has been proven to help rebuild the pancreas, and can possibly reduce or eliminate their need for insulin?"

The answer is always "Yes," and they are very excited about that.

And that person YOU know who has a blood-sugar disorder ... do you think they may know 10 people who'd like the same information? THAT is the kind of excitement you can create with a hot, sizzle product that has people feeling the difference in days, not weeks or months.

Another example - back in the heyday of Excel long distance service, non-network marketers took the product to the market. We were all paying 40 cents a minute for long distance back then. When Excel started reselling long distance, you paid 30 cents a minute. And if you had your friends & family on it, you got it for 15 cents a minute.

So non-network marketers took that product to the marketplace. They didn't care whether there was a compensation plan. It was obviously a huge improvement over the 40 cents a minute that everybody was paying.

So do yourself a favor. Find yourself a network marketing product that ALREADY has a huge market, and then fall in love with THAT product. Your business will almost build itself.

Network Marketing Products - Is Yours Dead on Arrival?

Michael Dlouhy ([http://askmichaeldlouhy.com/]) is a 27-year veteran legendary network marketing trainer who will mentor you at no cost, no matter what company you represent, and provide you with proven tools to help you achieve MLM success.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Inman Aligner Treatment and Cosmetic Dentistry

As you may know, Invisalign is a set of invisible braces which are put in place by a dentist in order to correct the position our teeth are in, these braces are very convenient because not many people are able to tell the difference between people who are wearing them and those who aren't. The materials used to create such invisible braces are mostly plastic which can be very flexible but at the same time can provide the right amount of pressure needed to correct misplaced teeth.

Alternatively, the new orthodontic appliance has been developed mostly in the UK which promises fast results and similar benefits to Invisalign at a fraction of the price, these new set of braces are called Inman aligners. These aligners are somewhat of a hybrid because they combine the best of plastic and metal braces, unlike other aligners they do not need to be replaced every few weeks, instead they can be adjusted to correct the position our teeth are in.

Invisible Set

The difference between Invisalign and the Inman aligner is that the later is not as invisible but provides many of the benefits found on the plastic aligners, but Inman braces a removable, meaning that they will not get in the way of a patient's meal or oral hygiene, these hybrid braces can achieve several movements using just one aligner.

Both the Invisalign and Inman braces are popular because they can provide fast results however, the later one can achieve certain results in as little as six weeks which by any standard is a record. Traditional braces need to be worn for several months in order to realize a few results, this is not the case with Inman braces.

Finally, and most important feature for most people is that the price of Inman braces is considerably lower than their plastic counterparts, so those who do not mind the aesthetic appearance of braces may be able to take full advantage of this new technology which is currently being developed in the United Kingdom.

In order to achieve better results it is recommended to use several orthodontic procedures which will help you reshape and enhance the look of your teeth, cosmetic procedures include crowns, dental fillings, veneers, etc.

Inman Aligner Treatment and Cosmetic Dentistry

Gentledentists.co.uk offers more information about Inman Aligner and teeth whitening in London. Get expert information from a London cosmetic dentist, visit us today!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smile Makeovers - Is Invisalign the Right Choice?

Ok Duluth, a new cosmetic procedure is getting rave reviews. It's Invisalign invisible braces. There's no doubt that a set of exquisitely straight white teeth gives one more confidence and the need to flash a big smile.

What is Invisalign? Invisalign virtually invisible, custom fit set of molded trays to sequentially move teeth instead of the classic metal braces and wires. It is near to impossible to tell whether a person is wearing Invisalignto straighten teeth because they are practically invisible.The nearly invisible Aligners allow the patient to get their teeth straight without feeling self-conscious.

Invisible Set

Kids are not the only ones going to the orthodontist. Invisalign has made it possible for a significant increase in the adult market for orthodontic teeth straightening. Invisalign Teen is also now available for the teenage population that prefers straight teeth without braces. The torture of brackets, band and wires may be considered a thing of the past. Invisalign invisible braces steadily reposition the teeth to make them straight in approximately six months to a year, in most cases..

With almost all cosmetic enhancement procedures, you can see how your teeth and smile will look even before you have started treatment. Invisalign uses virtual a 3-D computerized image to show you a virtual illustration of your teeth before, during, and after completion of the Invisalign process and your tooth movements throughout the entire treatment timeline. The Invisalign software will mimic the teeth straightening process in stages, with each stage representing one set of aligners. The Invisalign software also supplies virtual images called ClinCheck via a web browser to show you the contemplated final results before the aligners are made.

It is nice for see what your teeth will look like before treatment is ever started. The virtually invisible Invisalign braces are manufactured after and look similar to teeth bleaching trays, but are custom-made to fit your teeth like a surgical glove.

In Duluth, Invisalign patients are happy with their choice for a smile makeover. Invisalign is easy to wear, comfortable, and best of all...nearly invisible.

Smile Makeovers - Is Invisalign the Right Choice?

Carl Mangum is an author for Dr. Matt Walton, a Board Certified Alpharetta orthodontist from Georgia. Dr. Walton offers a complimentary consultation and revolutionary payment options to make your new smile affordable. Contact him for details.

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