Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Invisible Close Sales Nugget - Position Your Preview Call For Phenomenal Results

Here they are:

Step 1 of The Invisible Close Profitable Preview Call Formula: Positioning

Invisible Set

1. Position Yourself

During your preview call, the first thing you position is yourself, and you do that with your introduction, which needs to show that you're both credible and vulnerable.

You've likely heard people lead classes who share how accomplished they are, but you may not like them. They feel separate from you. People don't buy from teachers they don't like and trust. So you need to tell a story that both shows your credibility and your vulnerability. During my preview call, I shared with listeners that in my early days, when I used to teach women to understand and appreciate men, I regularly closed 60-80% of the room. But I also shared that I used to cry over the women who didn't register because I so badly wanted them to have the transformation we offered. That intro story shows my extremely high conversion rates, which gives me credibility, and also shows that I have a heart, which gives me vulnerability. Being vulnerable allows your audience to appreciate that you have been where they are; you are a real person and you get them.

2. Position Your Topic

What is the possible outcome the audience could experience from being on your call? Or, from doing your work? This is where you want to grab them. In my call, I talked about the successful launches I've done, and the one that we parlayed into a million dollars! You can also position your topic by sharing the outcomes that your clients or students have had from working with you.

3. Position Your Audience

You want to let the listeners know that they are in the right place, so mention the groups of people who would benefit. For instance, I said, "This is for you if you're tired of being the best-kept secret in your field. If you're looking to get your message out in a great, leveraged way, etc...." As people heard themselves mentioned, they knew they were in the right place and became hopeful about what they were about to learn.

4. Position Your Talk

Some teachers sound like a table of contents when they position their talk. You should provide an overview of what you're going to cover, but do it in outcome-based language. For example, "First I'm going to cover three secrets that are going to have people throwing their wallets at you." Focus on the transformation that is possible, not the boring line item.

5. Position Your Offer

Let listeners know that you're going to give, give, give, that the call they are on will bring them great value, and that you'll be sure to show them how to take it further before the end of the call. That way there's no surprise AND you can unabashedly share your offer, because you've told them it's coming. I said, "I'm going to share with you everything I can in the short time we have together, and then I'm going to show you how to get more."

The Invisible Close Sales Nugget - Position Your Preview Call For Phenomenal Results

You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

Sales-from-the-podium expert Lisa Sasevich has x-ray vision for seeing the sales opportunities that exist in every company, and the creativity to convert them into gold! If you're looking for simple, quick and easy ways to boost sales without spending a dime, get your FREE Sales Nuggets now at

See Lisa's The Invisible Close Blog for more tips, tools, and strategies to help you get results without being salesy.


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