Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chemical Water Pollution: Invisible, Tasteless And Deadly - How To Remove These Toxic Pollutants

It really is disappointing even with the clean water act in force, the levels of chemical pollution are increasing daily. It is something that we cannot ignore and we have to take very seriously. Although the causes of the increase are obvious, we as individuals can do little to prevent it happening at the source.

As the population increased so did our demand for more and more food. This forced the farmers into using large amounts of pesticide and fertilizer on their fields. Once it started raining the chemicals were absorbed into the ground along with the water, eventually reaching the aquifer and your water supply.

Invisible Set

On the other hand probably the largest contributors to chemical pollution are the industries. Foremost among those are the pulp mills, just think for a moment about how many paper and paper products that are available. Discarded paper is a major component of many landfills, it also accounts for around 37% of municipal waste.

It does not matter which part of the country that you reside as there will always be one chemical or another in your water supply. A study conducted not so long ago found traces of weed killer in the drinking water of many cities across the U.S., on many occasions there were traces of two or more different weed killers.

Another direction from which chemical pollution can contaminate your water supply is from drugs. By this I mean both prescription and non-prescription drugs, it would be difficult to estimate the quantity of drugs that are emptied into the toilets of the nation each year.

The toxic effects of all these chemicals are detrimental to adults but even more so to young children whose systems are much more sensitive and less developed. In addition to this children consume more liquids for each pound of body weight than adults do. However the EPA when they set the maximum contamination levels for a particular substance they do it with adults in mind and not your children.

Of course one possible alternative is resorting to bottles water, however this is not really feasible. Firstly there is no guarantee that bottled water is any healthier than tap water. Secondly, the plastic used in these bottles can contain a chemical called Bisphenol which has been linked to heart disease and reproductive problems.

All these problems can be solved by the simple addition of a home filtration system. Preferably a unit based around advanced filtration techniques such as active carbon, sub-micron and ion exchange.

Don't forget to pay particular attention to the certification that comes with the filter. Unfortunately the claims of many manufactures are wishful thinking, one of the strictest states for certification is California, so it is worth doing your homework to avoid buying something that does not perform as you would expect it.

These filtration systems are reasonably price and the yearly costs are minimal. They will remove your chemical water pollution and give you clean pure water for around 9 cents a gallon. So what are you waiting for?

Chemical Water Pollution: Invisible, Tasteless And Deadly - How To Remove These Toxic Pollutants

Go and visit my website which provides details of the best water purifiers. If you're serious about obtaining clean and pure water go to water purification systems for home to find the most effective, efficient and affordable products available.


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