Friday, June 3, 2011

Being Invisible With an IP Changer

It's common for people to think that what they do on the Internet is something only known to them. Sometimes, they browse sites with a feeling of secrecy and they actually believe nobody else in the world knows they've been frequenting certain domains. Though one might be surfing in his own bedroom with nobody around, everyone else who's connected is very much aware. Anything and everything a surfer does is, therefore, far from secret and if there's any reason to that, it's the very structure of the Internet that is responsible.

With one's IP address, one will be identified by the rest of the online community. You may have heard this term over and over but never understood it. IP stands for Internet Protocol and each computer that is allowed access to the Internet by a service provider is assigned an IP address. This IP address is a set of of numbers divided into four parts. The first set identifies your domain, the second, your subnet, the third, your network and the last and most crucial, the computer you're using. When you take all these groups of numbers as one, they will compose an IP address which will belong to anyone who participates in any form of Internet activity.

Invisible Set

Each time you're online, your IP address is made available on the world wide web and each time this happens, you are making yourself available for online communities that may have interest in you somehow - a company marketing through emails, a people search site that seeks out your personal information to store in its database or simply a crazed geek who randomly desires to wreak havoc in your computer by throwing in viruses. Originally, the concept of the Internet was to include a system that allowed users to be tracked for possibly engaging in illegal online activities. IP addresses were supposed provide this security while surfing. While it used to a very complicated process to do this, today, anyone can track anyone and even for free. And probably for this reason, it has been abused.

A lot of people have since been concerned about their IP address and online safety. A frequent question asked is, can I hide my IP address? Fortunately, yes, there are ways for your computer not to be identified or tracked while connected to the Internet simply by masking your IP. Software varieties have been created to do this job by allowing you to surf the net behind a number of fake IP addresses. This way, there's practically no possibility that anyone could track you using your IP address because you're not even using it. This should guarantee your safety anytime you're connected.

Being Invisible With an IP Changer

If you want to enjoy anonymous surfing, get an IP changer download anytime and start being invisible and safe online.


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