Monday, June 6, 2011

Building an Underground Dog Fence For Cheap in Three Easy Steps (A DIY Install)

So you want to install an underground dog fence and avoid paying the ,500+ that a big national franchise like an Invisible Dog Fence, Dog Watch or Pet Stop installer would charge? Here's how you can do a DIY install of a dog containment system for a fraction of the cost in just three steps.

First, we will install the Dog Fence Controller and test that everything works. We want the controller to be located close to a power outlet and sheltered from the elements, most people put it in a garage. Attach the controller box to the wall and drill a small hole through the wall. Run the twisted wire that came with your system from the controller box outside to the perimeter of your property. Now run the single strand wire around the property joining each end of the single strand to the twisted pair with the provided wire splices. Now switch on the system and check that everything works well.

Invisible Set

Second, we bury the wire. The fastest way to bury wire is to use a trencher with a cable laying attachment. This tool cuts through your soil, lays the boundary wire and then backfills. You can rent a trencher at bigger tool rental stores, the cost is modest (under ) and the time savings is huge. The rental store clerk will show you how to best use the trencher when you go to pick it up. But basically, you will feed the boundary wire through the trencher and tie one end of the wire to a stake in the ground. You will then start the trencher, engage the cutting blade and drive it around your property. Now that the wires are buried you should reconnect the system and again check that everything still works.

Third, we set up the Dog Containment System. The Dog Fence Controller will have a dial to let you adjust the field width. This controls how far from the boundary wire the collars start beeping and delivering the correction. Adjust the field width so that the field width is between one and two yards. A bigger field width will keep your dog safer but also reduces the amount of space in which they can play. Owners with bigger yards and more stubborn dogs should aim for a wider field width and owners with smaller properties and more compliant dogs should head toward the narrower end of that range. Now mark the edge of the field with the provided flags, spaced out at two yard intervals. Perform a final check of the system, and check that the collar beeps whenever you move it past the flags.

Congratulations your dog fence has been successfully installed!

Building an Underground Dog Fence For Cheap in Three Easy Steps (A DIY Install) is a resource written by professional dog fence installers that includes 100+ pages showing you how to choose a system, install and maintain an underground dog fence. The site features detailed DIY advice with videos, pictures and illustrations, system reviews and a dog training program to make your installation a success.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Invisible Dog Fences - Facts and Advantages, is an Invisible Dog Fence Right For Your Home?

Invisible dog fences are a relatively new technology for containing dogs within an area. These invisible dog fences are electronic containment systems designed to teach pets their boundaries while in your yard. Invisible dog fences use a small "shock" which is transmitted through an electronic collar attached to the animal. This article will explain to you how such dog containment systems work and to help you make an informed choice on whether or not to employ such a device for your home.

How Do Underground Electronic Dog Fences Work?

Invisible Set

As your pet comes closer the fenced area, a warning tone will emit from his or her collar. If he or she does not get further away from the area within two seconds, the tone will the be followed by a mild electrical shock, transmitted through a device connected to his collar. The shock is essentially harmless and does not cause pain to the dog, but rather a slight annoyance. However, if your dog ignores this shock or does not have any effect, a setting may be tweaked so that the strength of the shock is suitable for the dog not to cross the barrier.

Advantages Of Invisible Dog Fences

One advantage of having an invisible dog fence is that you won't have to resort to chains, leashes and cages which restrict your dogs freedom. With this underground fences, they are allowed an open area and freedom which they would not have if confined in a cage, this can be beneficial for a dogs development and growth in terms of behavior.

Invisible dog fences are easily installed and also act as a training tool for your animal. A dog will quickly learn its boundaries and perhaps learn not to cross them. Dogs will no longer wander into the neighbor's yard nor will try to chase the mailman has he delivers the mail!

Physical fences such as wires and wooden fences can also be an eyesore and destroy the beauty of your garden or home. Besides that dogs can dig under them or simply jump over them. Physical fences also deteriorate over time adding to maintenance costs. With an invisible dog fence, you can protect sensitive areas of your garden, while keeping it aesthetically pleasing.

Invisible Dog Fences - Facts and Advantages, is an Invisible Dog Fence Right For Your Home?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Would You Rather Fly Or Be Invisible?

Recently one of my son's favorite TV stations conducted a survey of children. They asked kids which superpower they would rather have: the ability to fly or to be invisible?

To me it seemed to be a no-brainer--to fly most definitely!

Invisible Set

First of all, I think the ability to fly offers a lot more opportunity for fun, adventure, and freedom. Just think about being able to go anywhere, anytime you want, without worrying about traffic, road conditions, or gas money!

While being invisible offers a range of opportunities as well it just seems so sneaky to me that I feel uncomfortable even thinking about it.

My son agreed with me. He thought flying would be a lot more fun. No surpise there as he is a physical child who enjoys being on the go.

Then I really started to think about the question. What does our choice say about us? I think I would really want to know why a child would choose invisibility over flying. I would fear that a child who chose that option either already felt invisible or wished they were. I would worry about their self-esteem and security in social interactions.

Of course, on the other hand, there are certain practical considerations. There are a number of instances where invisibility could serve many purposes for good on a small or large scale.

Apparently this question has been around for some time. A public radio station did a program on superheroes some time ago and took a survey asking which power their audience would prefer, the power to fly or to be invisible.

Men overall, voted that they wanted to fly and women that they wanted to be invisible. Why? So that the men could fly their kids to school and soccer instead of fighting traffic and women wanted to be invisible so that they could sit in on conversations and hear what was being said about them. No one wanted to use the super power to help others.

I find that survey even more disappointing than the one for kids. But not surprising. I am not a cynical person (except when it comes to my students' excuses for not doing their homework) in general but more often when I hear some act of courageous good I am surprised rather than affirmed.

So while this could certainly appear to be a superficial question, something like the Barbara Walter's "If you could be an animal, what would you be" type, but I think it could lead to a much deeper discussion. What do you think?

Which would you rather be? Which superpower would you rather your child have?

Stop by Words of Inspiration Online and vote in our poll!

Would You Rather Fly Or Be Invisible?

Deanna Mascle is an inspirational freelance writer. You can find more inspiration at Inspiration by Dawggone and her inspirational ezines Words of Inspiration Online and Daily Quote Online.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Being Invisible With an IP Changer

It's common for people to think that what they do on the Internet is something only known to them. Sometimes, they browse sites with a feeling of secrecy and they actually believe nobody else in the world knows they've been frequenting certain domains. Though one might be surfing in his own bedroom with nobody around, everyone else who's connected is very much aware. Anything and everything a surfer does is, therefore, far from secret and if there's any reason to that, it's the very structure of the Internet that is responsible.

With one's IP address, one will be identified by the rest of the online community. You may have heard this term over and over but never understood it. IP stands for Internet Protocol and each computer that is allowed access to the Internet by a service provider is assigned an IP address. This IP address is a set of of numbers divided into four parts. The first set identifies your domain, the second, your subnet, the third, your network and the last and most crucial, the computer you're using. When you take all these groups of numbers as one, they will compose an IP address which will belong to anyone who participates in any form of Internet activity.

Invisible Set

Each time you're online, your IP address is made available on the world wide web and each time this happens, you are making yourself available for online communities that may have interest in you somehow - a company marketing through emails, a people search site that seeks out your personal information to store in its database or simply a crazed geek who randomly desires to wreak havoc in your computer by throwing in viruses. Originally, the concept of the Internet was to include a system that allowed users to be tracked for possibly engaging in illegal online activities. IP addresses were supposed provide this security while surfing. While it used to a very complicated process to do this, today, anyone can track anyone and even for free. And probably for this reason, it has been abused.

A lot of people have since been concerned about their IP address and online safety. A frequent question asked is, can I hide my IP address? Fortunately, yes, there are ways for your computer not to be identified or tracked while connected to the Internet simply by masking your IP. Software varieties have been created to do this job by allowing you to surf the net behind a number of fake IP addresses. This way, there's practically no possibility that anyone could track you using your IP address because you're not even using it. This should guarantee your safety anytime you're connected.

Being Invisible With an IP Changer

If you want to enjoy anonymous surfing, get an IP changer download anytime and start being invisible and safe online.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Invisible Dog Fence Overview

An invisible dog fence offers a "fenceless" boundary to your home and yard. For those of us who do not have a fenced in yard, this is one of the best options to keep your pet inside the boundaries without the expense of putting a regular fence around your home.

There are two basic types of an invisible dog fence on the market. There is the wireless type of fence and the electric or underground type of pet fence. The biggest difference is how they are set up, and this article being a general overview, makes reference to both types.

Invisible Set

For the electric, also known as electronic, type of fencing, the way it functions is pretty simple. First, a wire is buried around the perimeter of the area you want contained. This wire transmits a radio signal to a lightweight collar that your pet wears. Your canine should be wearing the special collar whenever she is outside in the yard. One main point to emphasize is that your pet must be trained and trained properly for an invisible dog fence to do its job in a safe and effective way. When your canine gets close to the boundary set by the wires, the collar will emit a warning sound letting your pet know he is getting too close. If your pet is properly trained to use the system, he will often not go past this point. However, if the dog goes past the boundary line, the collar will emit a mild static correction to tell your pet that is too far. The correction is not harmful to your pet and should not be viewed as inhumane. It is similar to scooting across the carpet in socks and then touching your best friend.

The other type of invisible dog fence mentioned is the wireless type of dog fencing. These systems have a transmitter that can be located in any safe and dry location like a garage. Instead of wire being buried around the perimeter of your yard, when using a wireless fencing system, you really only need to plug it in and set the area of the boundary. These types of systems are very nice if you need portability with your fencing system. They can be taken with you wherever you go. The way the collar works with a wireless fence is very similar to the electronic type.

There are many people who do not believe that using these types of fencing systems is humane. As long as directions are followed and proper training procedures are implemented, an invisible dog fence offers a very safe and effective way to keep your pet contained. It is also a fraction of the cost of fencing in your entire yard. The collars that come with these types of systems are specially designed to have variable settings of correction. You should use the lowest possible setting that effectively gets the message to your canine. Smaller dogs require lower settings and there are even special models available for little pets.

An invisible dog fence is a great way to keep your pet safe and secure within the boundaries you set. With a little training, your canine will never go past the point of needing correction. Personally, with my pets, the minute they see the collar being put on, they are on their best behavior and enjoy the freedom they get from one of these great systems. If you are thinking one of these products may be right for your canine, please do the proper research and take the time to read about the proper training techniques.

An Invisible Dog Fence Overview

Robert Jones believes in the use of proper training techniques for dogs, particularly when using an invisible pet fence system. We are authorized retailers at Canine Crate Store.

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