Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Use Your Invisible Power - Set Your Goals and Hopes High and Reach Them

Michelangelo is quoted to have said, "The greater danger is not that your hopes are too high and you fail to reach them; it's that they're too low and you do." Andrew Carnegie said. "If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy , and inspires hope."

Let's say for example, you would like to get more exercise, loose weight maybe, feel better, just get outside more and ride that bike you bought several years ago and have not used very much. How much brain energy did that take to set that goal? You've just been to the grocery store and noticed the tabloids with slimmer bodies all over the front pages. Did you really set a goal or casually, "just think about it?" Now you are at a local coffee shop and you see a poster, Ride for a Reason,  the Kentucky annual bike ride, Bike Trek to Shaker Village for the American Lung Association. This is a three day event bicycle riding 100 miles in September.

Invisible Set

You must also raise pledges for the event. You think, my mother had and died of lung disease and I would like to ride in her memory. You call a friend who has been after you for a number of years to go on this ride.  You say to yourself, "I can do that ride. I can ride 100 miles in 3 days!" You make the contact and now you are planning the bike ride in your mind. You can see yourself riding with your friend. You  go on a training bike ride of 10 miles in a rolling hill local park and you feel great. Now you have just had some positive feedback of an actual ride and you know, "I can ride 100 miles in 3 days!" You say to yourself, "Yes! I can ride 100 miles in 3 days!"

During the summer you train for the three day event and someone just happens to ask you, "Have you ever thought about riding a century in one day?"  You think, "Wow, that is 100 miles of bike riding in one day. Can I do that?" Now you become curious. You ask your best biking friend if he has ever ridden 100 miles in one day. He says yes, but you have to train in a certain way to accomplish 100 miles in one day. The three day biking event arrives and you have a wonderful time. It is sometimes difficult but you finish the ride. You feel wonderful during and after the event. You have accomplished what many people have never thought of or attempted. You even rode extra miles and really rode 150 miles over three days. Now you think and make a statement to yourself, "I can ride 100 miles in one day!" You call your friend and plan the ride in your mind. You see yourself riding 100 miles in one day in your mind. One month later you and your friend actually ride 100 miles in one day. During the last mile of 100 miles, your mind explodes with pride. You sense a feeling of accomplishment that you have never experienced or thought of before. You feel a heightened sense of self esteem and self worth.

At a dinner to celebrate the lung association biking event someone hears you talking about your accomplishment of riding 100 miles in one day. He casually says to you, "Did you hear about the Lung Association sponsoring a "Big Ride across the United States next year?" Your Universal spirit or Higher Self thinks for just a nano second and your say to yourself,"I can do that!" Nine months later you are actually in line that morning ready to begin the bike ride of your life, The Big Ride across the USA. You have already thought of and pictured in your mind riding up to The Washington Monument.

In the example above you can see the progression of events, goals, and some thought pattern, "I can do that!' in your mind. The reality is that it does not take any more brain energy to think any of those goals, riding a bike over three days, 100 miles in one day, or even across the USA. It is the same. What you think is what you think. It is, "How you feel" that is different. You create your life. You are responsible for your life. You use the formula, E+R= 0.(See Jack Canfield's Success Principles, page 6, Dr. Robert Resnick's formula). You are presented with an event that you can not control. You think and act which is your response to get an outcome. If you do not like the outcome change your response until, "you get what you want, the desired outcome!" Everything above you can do with your mind. You can even ride your bike in your mind.

You can see, feel, and act through the physical event in your mind with your eyes closed. You could even measure your brain waves while thinking through the actual events. The amazing thing is that your pattern of brain waves would be the same, thinking of the event vs. actually biking the event. (See Rhonda Byrne's, The Secret,  pg. 81 Dr. Denis Waitley experiments). Your brain is powerful. What you think is powerful. Your mind is powerful. Use your invisible power. Be aware and act. Use E+R=0. Enjoy your life and be happy.

Use Your Invisible Power - Set Your Goals and Hopes High and Reach Them

Continue on your journey to a happy and joy filled life.


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